моя любимая певица-ариа́на гра́нде.
ариана гранде— американская актриса кино, телевидения и озвучивания, певица, композитор, автор песен и фотомодель.гранде родилась в городке бока-ратон, во флориде, в семье джоан гранде.в 2009 году ариана прошла кастинг на канале и получила роль в кино.
ариана записывала свой дебютный альбом на протяжении трёх лет — с августа 2010 по июнь 2013 года.
my favorite singer-ariána gránde. ariana grande is an american actress of film, television and voice-over, singer, songwriter and model. grande was born in the town of boca raton,
florida, in the family of joan grande. 2009 year ariana casting took place in the channel and landed the role in the movie. ariana recorded their debut album for three years, from august 2010 through june 2013 year.
1.what is your favorite dish?
какое ваше любимое блюдо?
1.my favorite food is burger.
мое любимое блюдо - бургер.
2.what are the ingredients?
какие ингредиенты?
2.tomatoes, cheese, cucumber, salad, meat.
помидоры, сыр, огурец, салат, мясо.
do you make it?
как ты делаешь это?
3.i take a ready-made bun, cut it in half and add all the ingredients. then i fry until brown in a pan. burger's ready!
я беру готовую булочку, разрезаю ее пополам и добавляю все ингредиенты. затем я поджариваю до корочки на сковороде. бургер
Last night we went to a football match. We took a bus. The bus was full of people as many people wanted to see the match. We got off the bus and went in the direction of the stadium. While we were crossing the road, I saw Victor. He was standing at the corner. He said he was waiting for his friend who had come to St. Petersburg the day before and wished to see the new stadium. A man came up to me and asked if I had a spare ticket for the match. Victor told us that two boys had just asked him whether he had a spare ticket. We entered the stadium just as the football players were coming out on to the field. At the entrance to the stadium we met Sergei. He showed us to our seats and we agreed to meet in the refreshment-room during the interval. He asked me if I had played football in my childhood.