1 It’s a beautiful day! Do you fancy GOING OUT for a walk?
2 I expected TO SEE you on the train. Did you miss it?
3 Anya has a car. She offered TO DRIVE me to school.
4 It was a gripping book. I finished READING it late last night.
5 Jeff enjoyed WORKING on the old car.
6 She spends a lot of time WATCHING sport on television.
7 We decided TO GO camping in Croatia this year.
8. Mark refused TO SHOW his project.
2. Fill in the gaps with who, which, whose, where, that or when.
1. My sister WHO is now living in New York has just had a baby.
2. The car WHICH // THAT cost more than 20,000 dollars was a present from his family.
3. I'll always remember the day WHEN we met.
4. This is the place WHERE I saw him the last time.
5. That's the man WHOSE daughter has won the lottery.