In the United Kingdom, the New Year is celebrated from the evening of December 31st into January 1st.
The date was declared as the New Year in 1752. Before 1752, England celebrated its New Year on Christmas Day, that is on December, 25.
Traditionally it is not as widely celebrated as Christmas. However, people enthusiastically wait for the time of the New Year to arrive; more so because it offers them a chance to carry forward their celebration mood of Christmas ahead and higher with the New Year celebrations.
The protection of surface- and groundwater from pollution is vital. Защита поверхностных и подземных вод от загрязнения имеет жизненно важное значение.
The growing scarcity of fresh water means that it must be conserved, used properly and protected from pollution. Уменьшение запасов пресной воды означает, что ее необходимо экономить, надлежащим образом использовать и защищать от загрязнения.