1) I was writing a letter all the evening.- А letter I was being written by me all the evening.
2) They were criticizing my report at the conference.- My report was being criticized by them at the conference.
3) He was translating this article all the week.- This article was being translated by him all the week.
4) My brothers were discussing a new film when we came home.- A new film was being discussed by my brothers when we came home
5) They were planting trees in the morning- Trees were being planted by them in the morning
Africa is the only place on the planet where the sun is hot and mercilessly all the time. After Eurasia, this continent is next in terms of land size and population density. Africa is washed by the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Also the borders of Africa are washed by the waters of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. This continent is the only one on the planet that is crossed by the equator, and therefore in the very center of the continent a large amount of precipitation falls all year round due to low pressure. There is never a bad and cold weather. The coolest temperature on the mainland is + 18 ° C.
Africa consists of 54 independent states, each of which is unique in its own way and has its own culture and traditions. The population of Africa is more than one billion people, among whom there are about three thousand tribes and more than one hundred nationalities. Mostly on the African mainland are dominated by Arabs and Algerians.
The history of Africa from the 7th to the 12th century tells us about the slave trade. Later, Africa repeatedly became a colony of great powers, and only in the 20th century did the continent achieve independence through wars and revolutions.
On the territory of African land is dominated by a lot of sandy deserts, tropical forests, vast pastures and savannas. On the continent there are many lakes, rivers, volcanoes and mountains.
The Sahara is the largest desert on the planet, where rainfall is rare. Groundwater sources form oases in the desert. Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest volcano. The Nile River is the second on the planet in its length.
Africa is rich in wildlife, especially large mammals, such as giraffes, rhinos, antelopes, buffaloes.
Африка - единственное место на планете, где все время жарко и нещадно палит солнце. После Евразии этот материк является следующим по размерам суши и по плотности населения. Африка омывается Атлантическим и Индийским океанами. Также границы Африки омывают воды Средиземного и Красного морей. Этот континент - единственный на планете, который пересекается экватором, и поэтому в самом центре материка круглый год выпадает большое количество осадков из-за низкого давления. Там никогда не бывает плохой и холодной погоды. Самая прохладная температура на материке считается +18°C.
В состав Африки входят 54 независимых государства, каждое из которых по своему уникально, и имеет свою культуру и традиции. Численность населения Африки составляет более чем один миллиард людей, среди которых насчитывается около трёх тысяч племён и более ста национальностей. В основном на африканском материке преобладают арабы и алжирцы.
История Африки с 7 по 12 столетие рассказывает нам о торговле рабами. Позже, Африка неоднократно становилась колонией великих держав, и только в 20 - ом столетии континент через войны и революции добился независимости.
На территории африканской земли преобладает множество песчаных пустынь, тропических лесов, огромных пастбищ и саванн. На континенте имеется множество озер, рек, вулканов и гор.
Сахара - самая крупная пустыня на планете, где редко выпадают осадки. Подземные источники воды образуют в пустыне оазисы. Гора Килиманджаро - самый высокий вулкан Африки. Река Нил - вторая на планете по своей длине.
Африка богата представителями дикой природы, особенно крупными млекопитающими, такими как, жирафы, носороги, антилопы, буйволы.
Teach your friends and family about the wonderful wildlife, birds, fish and plants that live near you. The first step to protecting endangered species is learning about how interesting and important they are.
Many animals live in developed areas and this means they must navigate a landscape full of human hazards. One of the biggest obstacles to wildlife living in developed areas is roads. Roads divide habitat and present a constant hazard to any animal attempting to cross from one side to the other. So when you’re out and about, slow down and keep an eye out for wildlife.
Never buy furniture made from wood from rainforests. Recycle your cell phones, because a mineral used in cell phones and other electronics is mined in gorilla habitat. Minimize your use of palm oil because forests where tigers live are being cut down to plant palm plantations.
Overseas trips can be exciting and fun, and everyone wants a souvenir. But sometimes the souvenirs are made from species nearing extinction. Avoid supporting the market in illegal wildlife including: tortoise-shell, ivory, coral. Also, be careful of products including fur from tigers, polar bears, sea otters and other endangered wildlife, crocodile skin, live monkeys or apes, most live birds including parrots, macaws, cockatoos and finches, some live snakes, turtles and lizards, some orchids, cacti and cycads, medicinal products made from rhinos, tiger or Asiatic black bear.
Shooting, trapping, or forcing a threatened or endangered animal into captivity is also illegal and can lead to their extinction.
С Наступающим!)
1)A letter was being written all the evening by myself.
2)My report was being criticized at the conference by them.
3)This article was being translated all the week by him.
4)A new film was being discussed by my brothers when we came home.
5)Trees were being planted in the morning by them.