1 What percentage of Russian people can afford to travel abroad? 2 How many percent of the Russian people continue to holiday somewhere in Russia? 3 What percentage of Russian travelers prefer seaside resorts abroad? 4 How many types of Russian travelers abroad? 5 What percentage of people continue to rest package tour 6 What percentage of independent tourists who travel on their own? 7 What percentage of business travelers go to rest abroad? 8 How many percent of people visiting friends and relatives abroad? 9 How many percent of people travel just over the border? 10 Where tourists abroad often go ?
1. He is never late for school,... a) is he? 2. He went to school yesterday,... a) didn't he? 3. Let's do this work together,... c) shall we? 4. She will be happy to see her friend,... c) won't she? 5. Everybody is satisfied with his work,.. d) aren't they? 6. There are many puppils in the classroom,... b) aren't there? 7. Read the text again,... b) will you? 8. Don't touch the wire,... b) will you? 9. Everything is ready for the competition,... a) isn't it? 10. I'm tired,... b) aren't I?