1. A man was fishing on the bank of the river.
2. Were they taking notes during the lecture?
3. She wasn't smiling anymore.
4. Polly and her cousin were having tea.
5. Were you digging in the garden?
6. Mike was hanging a picture in the living-room.
7. Sue wasn't swimming in the swimming pool.
8. Were they waiting for the doctor?
9. I wasn't looking at the actors.
10. She was speaking in a friendly way.
On Sunday I also like to sleep longer. But I do not get up very late. Although it is a day off, I have a lot to do. I have breakfast with my parents in the morning. Then we go to a store or a market. We always have many purchases on Sunday, and therefore we go by car. My father is always at the wheel. He has been driving a car for more than twenty years and he is sure-footed on the road.
Shopping takes much time and energy. We come home tired. When I need some rest, I turn on a TV-set or a computer and watch an interesting film
В воскресенье я тоже люблю поспать подольше. Но слишком поздно я не встаю. Хоть это и выходной, но у меня всегда много дел. Утром я завтракаю с родителями. Затем мы едем в магазин или на рынок. В воскресенье у нас всегда много покупок, поэтому мы едем на машине. За рулем всегда папа. Он водит машину больше двадцати лет и уверенно чувствует себя на дороге.
Шоппинг отнимает много времени и сил. Домой мы приезжаем уставшие. Когда мне нужно немного отдохнуть, я включаю телевизор или компьютер и смотрю интересный фильм.
1. Where were you yesterday? - I was at home. I was ringing, nobody answered. I was in the garden. I was reading your book and didn`t hear the telephone.
2. What were you doing? I was working in the library. I was there too, but i didn`t see you.
3. Nina celebrated her birthday yesterday. There were many flowers. When i came in, somebody was playing the piano, two or three pairs were dancing.
4. is playing
5. like
6. I looked, was raining, people were hurring.
7. What were you doing? - I was having
8. I came, I saw, were sitting. Father was reading, who lives in Kiev
9. I was working
10. It was raining
11. Is , She is, She is doing her homework
1. A man was fishing on the bank of the river.
2. Were they making notes during the lecture?
3. She was not smiling any more.
4. Polly and her cousin were having tea.
5. Were you digging in the garden?
6. Mike was hanging a picture in the living-room.
7. Sue was not swimming in the swimming-pool.
8. Were they waiting for the doctor?
9. I was not looking at the actors.
10. She was speaking in a friendly way.