Task: Write "This I believe' essay. It should be an essay from your own life about your core values but it is NOT an opinion piece about social ideals. If it is difficult to start writing on your own topic, you may chcose one from these statements:
1. It's okay to be afraid… just don't let your fears control you.
2. Do what you love to do.
3. It's important to have friends that care.
4. Big dreams lead to big things.
5. Laugh every day!
Follow these guidelines: Tell a real story about you: Be specific. Takc your belief out of the ether and ground it in the events that have shaped your core values. Consider moments when belief was formed, tested, or changed. Focus on one core belief. Be positive: Write about what you do believe, not what you do not believe. Avoid statements of religious dogma.
Если не так сори , как смог
Proper nutrition is the basis of health. These are fruits, vegetables, meat and various dairy products. Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and fiber that are so necessary for the body. In the meat you can find protein in fish phosphorus. And milk, cheese, kefir and other similar products saturate the body with calcium. That is why proper nutrition is so necessary for everyone.
After all, eating chips, burgers and sweets, our body does not receive the necessary substances for it. He loses his strength and power, becomes weak and prone to viruses and diseases. Even beauty gradually leaves us with the wrong products. Fast food and other fast food harm our health. Of course, no one forbids her to eat. You just need to know the measure and give preference to a proper balanced diet.