Hi, today I’ll tell you about the science that measured my whole life. By itself, this is a science about life and people, this science is psychology. It is a very complex but insanely interesting science Whatever article you open, you will find something new for yourself and draw certain conclusions for yourself. Thanks to this science, I learned to understand people, and look at any situation that . happens in my life, on the other hand, and analyze it.Well, such an unexpected science can change everything. As we can see, this is not mathematics, not chemistry, not physics, and TD. I believe that life sciences do not accumulate from the sciences that I have listed.
Причастие 2 1. Исполнительная власть принадлежит Правительству во главе с Премьер-министром.
Причастие 2 .2 Президент избирается каждые четыре года.
Причастие 1. 3. Количество сотрудников растет.
1.Законы принимаются Парламентом Великобритании.
Are made - Present Simple Passive, инфинитив - to be made
2. После второго чтения законопроект будет детально рассмотрен комитетом.
will be examined - Future Simple Passive, инфинитив - to be examined
3. Требуемая книга была отправлена позавчера.
was sent -Past Simple Passive
infinitive - to be sent