Arseniy Mogilev. Russia. Siberian branch. Desperate, determined, loyal.HISTORYA man of science. Arseny was interested in biology and the most revolutionary of its industry – genetics. In school and College really liked girls, but excited about science, not hurried out, and to his home in the homebrew laboratory, where he conducted his experiments. His parents have always supported, approved of his passion. After graduating with honors from the Institute, he prepared a research project and went with him from his native Novosibirsk to the capital. But there the project was declared a heresy, ridiculed in the scientific world. Not having received any support, Arseny was forced to return home with nothing. But suddenly, at the station he meets a mysterious man who invites him for an interview in a closed research Institute, which the secret laboratory of genetics. So Arsenius was one of the scientists "Patriot", where the project was accepted "on hurrah". In the laboratory, Arseny focused on crossbreeding different species of animals.Super powersThe process of turning into a beast and back Arseny able to keep under control. Since most of the test subjects Arseniy genes inherited from the bear, his bestial face closest to the brown bear. Strong, powerful. Great fights hand to hand.
1) Для выражения действий, начавшихся в и продолжающихся в настоящий момент времени, например:
We have been learning English since May – Мы учим английский с Мая I have been waiting here for over an hour – Я жду здесь уже более часа He has been working hard during the whole week – Он усердно работает в течение целой недели
2) Для выражения продолжительного действия, которое только что прекратилось, например:
Your eyes are red, have you been crying? – У тебя красные глаза, ты спал? The ground is wet, it has been raining – Земля влажная дождь You look a bit tired, have you been working? – Ты выглядишь немного уставшим, ты работал?
Present Perfect Simple Значение времени
Действие, которое только что произошло.
Действие произошло в но результат мы видим сейчас.
Действие, которое началось в известный момент в и длится до сих пор или только что закончилось (non-continuous verbs) или глаголы состояния.
Действие, которое началось в известный момент в и повторяется до сих пор.