Where does Wolf live?
Where do children play
В теперішньому часі
1. Look at the sky, I think it will rain.
2. In the winter, I will go to the gym daily.
3. Jessica has a new job in Moscow! She will move there next month.
4. Mother can't take me to school. She has a dentist appointment at 9:00.
5. My brother will not be like this again, he promised.
6. Her friend broke her leg. She answers him at the hospital.
7. Mike and Boris
there will be a party. i think so
will be a very enjoyable party.
8. I have already purchased tickets. They
will leave for St. Petersburg tonight.
1. The cities/towns situated (located) on the coast are often ports.
2. Fields separarted by hedges always look very attractive.
3. Poisoned rivers are dangerous not only for fish but for man too.(перед словом 'man' артикль не требуется, так как имеется в виду человек как представитель животного мира)
4. In every country there are plants and factories polluting the environment.
5. The places connected with Shakespear are situated in Stratford-upon-Avon.
6. What do you think of people polluting the environment?
7. How do we call people living in Scotland and speaking the Scottish dialect.
8. The children excited by the performance decided to become acrobats.
9. Are there any areas in Britain covered with forests?
10. The fruit canned last year was very deliciuos.
Where does wolf live?
Where do children play? или Where are children playing?