Сделайте тест, , !
1. choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.
1. when we were discussing educational systems of different countries we
used … .
a. skills b. scheme c. the ways d. types
2. it is not difficult to use good. … when you are eating.
a. manners b. children c. schemes d. speed
3. people … knowledge about the world.
a. pass b. gain c. expect d. support
4. to transmit a. common cultural heritage is … of general education.
a. made b. received c. the aim d. the design
5. the children are taught skills they will use … their life.
a. above b. throughout c. though d. thought
6. in most countries almost all young people … their general education in
secondary schools.
a. continue b. offer c. include d. specialize
7. the system of education in britain is divided. into three stages: …, secondary, and. further education.
a. vocational b. general c. primary d. special
8. british universities are … corporations, but they are mainly supported. by
public. funds.
a. independent c. various
b. different d. unique
9. each state in the usa. is in … of organizing and. regulating its own system of education.
a. responsible b. nation c. charge d. system
10. high schools, … and. senior, provide secondary education in the usa.
a. primary b. elementary c. junior d. vocational
Ingredients: butter-120 g
Chicken egg - 2 PCs.
Sugar-100 g
Sour cream-70 g
Wheat flour-150 g
Baking powder-6 g
Vanillin - on the tip of a knife
Apple-2-3 PCs. 1.Add sugar and vanilla to the melted butter and mix. 2.Add the yolks, stir 3.Stir in sour cream 4.Add flour mixed with baking powder 5.Mix thoroughly 6.Separately, beat the whites until soft peaks, gently combine with the dough. 7.Round shape (diameter 22 cm) grease with oil, put the dough, level. The dough is very soft and excellent in consistency 8.Peel the apples and cut them not into thick slices, but also slightly thin. 9.Stick the slices in the dough, convex side up, all over the pie 10.Put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes until tender 11.Cornish Apple pie is ready. Bon appetit.
Ингредиенты:Масло сливочное - 120 г
Яйцо куриное - 2 шт.
Сахар - 100 г
Сметана - 70 г
Мука пшеничная - 150 г
Разрыхлитель - 6 г
Ванилин - на кончике ножа
Яблоко - 2-3 шт. 1.ЁК растопленному маслу добавить сахар и ванилин, перемешать. 2.Добавить желтки, перемешать 3.Вмешать сметану 4.Всыпать муку, смешанную с разрыхлителем 5.Тщательно перемешать 6.Отдельно взбить белки до мягких пик, аккуратно соединить с тестом. 7.Круглую форму (диаметр 22 см) смазать маслом, выложить тесто, разровнять. Тесто очень мягкое и отличное по консистенции 8.Яблоки очистить и нарезать не толстыми дольками, но и несильно тонкими. 9.Воткнуть дольки в тесто, выпуклой стороной вверх, по всему пирогу 10.Поставить в духовой шкаф, разогретый до 180 градусов. Выпекать 30-40 минут до готовности 11.Корнуэльский яблочный пирог готов. Приятного аппетита.