1. а) Tim was very exhausted. He tried keeping his eyes open, but he couldn't
b) James needed to borrow some money. He tried
to ask his best friend, but he was short of money, too.
c) Kids tried to put
the fireout but didn't succeed. Finally,someone called the firebrigade.
d) Kate rang the doorbell, but nobody answered. Then she tried
to knock on the door, but there was still nothing.
e) .A baby tried to
reach the toy on the table, but he wasn't tall enough.
f) Could you leave my room for some time? I'm trying to concentrate
а)Our grandparents aren't able to look after themselves anymore. They need looking after.
b) Your hair is getting too long. It needs to cut
c) There is no need
in ironing my skirt. It looks nice and doesn't need
d) My coat is dirty. It needs cleaning
e) We worked hard and need a rest now. We want to
go away to a warm country for a short break.
ответ:3 Прочитайте ситуации и напишите предложения, как в примере. Используйте эти глаголы: потерять перерыв идти вверх сократить улучшить
Пример: Майк ищет свой кошелек. Он не может его найти и очень нервничает. - Он потерял это.
1. Маргарет не может ходить, и ее нога в гипсе. Это очень больно. 2. Английский у Марии был не очень хороший. Теперь это намного лучше. 3. У Тима в месяце не было шрама на щеке. Теперь у него есть шрам. 4. Этим утром я ожидал письма. Теперь у меня есть это. 5. На неделе штраф в автобусе был 6 $. Сейчас это 10 $.
Listen, everybody, to the call of the wild
Calling every adult, and calling every child
Calling out for help, for a way to survive
Calling out for freedom, and trying to stay alive
We cut down the forests, we destroyed the land
Now it’s time to give the animals a helping hand
We’re a lucky species, with so much to give
Can’t we give the animals a place to live?
Think of all the animals who live in fear
If we don’t help them soon, they could all disappear
We have all the power, we could help them all
Can’t we work to save all creatures, great and small?