There is more water than land on our planet. The largest and deepest ocean in ..the. world is .the.Pacific, then comes ..the. Atlantic. ..the. Indian ocean is only .a. little smaller. .the.. smallest ocean is ..the. Arcticthe longest river in .the.. USA is ..the. Mississippi, ..the. largest sea is ..the. Mediterranean, ...the deepest lake is ... Lake Baikal. Large masses of ... land are called ... continents. They are ... Europe and Asia, ... North and ... South America, ... Australia and ... Antarctica. There are mountain chains in many parts of ...the world. Some of them such as ..the. Urals are old, others like ..the. Caucasus are much younger. ..the. highest mountain chain, which is called ...the Himalayas, is situated in Asia.
The pharmacist … working at the pharmacy now. a) am b) are c) is d) did What does the doctor prescribe? a) staying in bed b) going for a long walk. c) having much food d) eating harmful food
21. What diet does the doctor usually recommend? a) beef b) fried potatoes c) chips d) fruit juice I … taking medicine now. a) am b) are c) is d) did
My father … a good pharmacist. a) is b) are c) has d) have
Digitalis … used in medicine. a) is b) are c) am d) have
Yesterday we at the pharmacy. a) is b) are c) were d) have
There … a regular program of immunization in our country. a) is b) are c) am d) has
The grass … always green here. a) am b) is c) are d) were