1)I can't call my brother to play football now. He's studying. - Alright, we'll play without him.
2)This student is a good boy. He studies much and respects the teachers. They're proud him.
3)Whom did you see yesterday in the square?
4)When you give the present to him, what will he say? I think he won't forgive you yet.
5)I can't ask my father now. He hasn't come yet.
6)My brother has already woken up and had some jogging in the yard. Come and see him from the window! He wakes u[ early even in summer, when there is no school. He's a real sportsman!
7)Cut it out! You haven't let the cat out yet! You told him yesterday, didn't you?
8)I'm sorry, no cinema today. I really can't. I have to go with my parents to the restaurant. It's mt father birthday.
9)The train leaves every day at 10.26 sharp. If you come one minute too late, you will miss. By the way, when will you get up tomorrow?
10)Can't you see I'm so busy with me baby? I'll come when I finish with him. In 10 minutes, at most.
11)I really can't do the shopping today. I don't fell well. Will you do it for me? - Of course mum, I will go to the shop, don't worry.
12)It's eleven o'clock, and you still aren't sleeping! Where do you think you'll be? This is not a holiday hotel. Get yourself a job, do something, or I wouldn't cook for you anymore, and I wouldn't give you money for your entertainments!
Летние каникулы Я провел свои летние каникулы очень круто. Мы ходили в кино, театры, музеи, цирки, экскурсии к водопадам, городам, пещерам, посещали рестораны, кафе, зоопарки, парки и другие места. Мы также летели самолетом во Францию, в столицу Парижа. Мы посетили Эйфелеву башню, Диснейленд, музеи Лувра и увидели знаменитую Мона Лизу, Триумфальную арку, Версаль и другие интересные места. Я всегда мечтал побывать во Франции. Мне очень понравилось наше путешествие.
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