I spend a lot of time with my family. We often come together, especially on holidays and evenings. We give gifts to each other for his birthday and new year. I help my parents with washing dishes, cleaning the apartment.
I really like spending time with my family
Я провожу много времени со своей семьей. Мы часто собираемся вместе, особенно в праздничные и вечерние дни. Мы дарим друг другу подарки на день рождения и новый год. Я родителям с мытьем посуды, уборкой квартиры.
Мне очень нравится проводить время с семьей
У вас есть 30 минут, чтобы сделать это задание. Вы получили письмо от вашего англоязычного друга по переписке, Энн. ... У нас есть особые традиции в нашей семье. В последние выходные каждого месяца мы готовим еду вместе: мои родители, моя сестра Дженни и я. На этой неделе это тыквенный суп и имбирное печенье ... Как вы проводите время всей семьей? Когда вы дарите друг другу подарки? Что вы делаете, чтобы своим родителям по дому? Напишите ей письмо и ответьте на его 3 вопроса. Напишите 100-120 слов. Помните правила написания письма.
After he saw it with his own eyes, he believed that the miracle had really happened. 2. It was something we had never heard of. 3. Eric was very surprised when he found out that Erica was in love with him and had been in love for years. 4. After the evil children left for school, the house became quiet. 5. Last year I visited Ireland for the first time. I hadn't been there before. 6. We didn't have to wait in line because we bought tickets in advance. 7. When Tanya called Rita, she was already going to bed. 8. Until 1893, no doctor operated on the heart. 9. After the awkward moment passed, everyone relaxed. 10. He imagined things that didn't happen. 11. I had never done a water ski before. The first time I did this was on a trip to Cyprus. 12. Victor was exhausted, tired. He hadn't slept well for several nights. His insomnia wasn't new. 13. With acute pain, Nina suddenly realized how much she missed her evil children! 14. Perhaps Emma was obsessed with power (to be power-ridden). But, of course, life made her so. Andrew knew this because he was her financial advisor for almost thirty years. 15. After she did a brave thing, she became a hero in the eyes of everyone.