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11.08.2021 06:34 •  Английский язык

Iii. answer the following questions:
1. what did judy mean by classes and campus? 2. why did
judy mention ice-cream and corn-meal mush in her letter? 3.
what did judy think was the trouble with college? 4. what
joke had gone all over college? 5. why did judy keep still
when the girls spoke about things she didn't know? 6. why
didn't judy study at night, no matter how many written re-
views were coming in the morning? 7. in what way did judy
want to catch up with the group? 8. what did judy mean by
saying that she was at least honest? 9. what did judy mean by
saying writing this letter off and on for two days? 10. where
had judy studied before college? 11. why did judy feel em-
barrassed at times? 12. what did judy mean by blank years
and abyss of ignorance? 13. what shows that the text was writ-
ten by an american writer?

1. What did Judy mean by "classes and campus"?

Judy is referring to the educational environment and physical location of a college or university. "Classes" refers to the lectures, seminars, and academic activities that students attend as part of their education. "Campus" refers to the grounds or area within which the educational institution is located.

2. Why did Judy mention ice-cream and corn-meal mush in her letter?

Judy mentions ice-cream and corn-meal mush in her letter as examples of the type of food that she enjoys or is familiar with. This could be seen as a way for Judy to express her personal preferences or provide some context and background to her experiences.

3. What did Judy think was the trouble with college?

Judy believes that the trouble with college is that it presents a wide range of subjects and knowledge that she feels inadequate in. She mentions feeling overwhelmed by the number of things she doesn't know or understand, and finds it challenging to keep up with her peers who seem to have a broader knowledge base.

4. What joke had gone all over college?

The text does not provide specific information about the joke that had gone all over college. Therefore, we cannot determine what the joke was or what it was about.

5. Why did Judy keep still when the girls spoke about things she didn't know?

Judy kept still when the girls spoke about things she didn't know because she didn't want to reveal or draw attention to her lack of knowledge. She may have felt embarrassed or self-conscious about not being as informed as her peers and chose to remain silent rather than admit her lack of understanding.

6. Why didn't Judy study at night, no matter how many written reviews were coming in the morning?

The text does not provide a specific reason for why Judy didn't study at night. However, it is possible that she may have had other obligations or responsibilities during the evening hours that prevented her from dedicating time to studying.

7. In what way did Judy want to catch up with the group?

Judy wants to catch up with the group in terms of knowledge and understanding. She feels behind her peers and wants to bridge the gap between her current level of knowledge and the level of knowledge possessed by her classmates.

8. What did Judy mean by saying that she was at least honest?

Judy is implying that, despite her lack of knowledge, she is being truthful about her limitations. She acknowledges that she is not as well-informed as her peers, but believes that at least she is being honest about her ignorance.

9. What did Judy mean by saying she was writing this letter off and on for two days?

Judy means that she has been writing the letter intermittently over a span of two days. She may have struggled with expressing her thoughts or found it difficult to find time to dedicate to writing the letter continuously.

10. Where had Judy studied before college?

The text does not provide information about where Judy had studied before college. Therefore, we cannot determine her previous educational background or experience.

11. Why did Judy feel embarrassed at times?

Judy felt embarrassed at times because she felt inadequate in comparison to her classmates. She was insecure about not knowing as much as her peers and was self-conscious about her lack of knowledge, leading to feelings of embarrassment.

12. What did Judy mean by "blank years" and "abyss of ignorance"?

Judy uses the terms "blank years" and "abyss of ignorance" to describe her lack of knowledge and understanding. The "blank years" refer to the time period in which she feels she didn't learn or gain enough knowledge before college. The "abyss of ignorance" suggests a deep lack of understanding or familiarity with a wide range of subjects, making her feel as though she is standing on the edge of a vast chasm of ignorance.

13. What shows that the text was written by an American writer?

The specific use of language, colloquial expressions, and cultural references throughout the text indicate that it was written by an American writer. Phrases such as "corn-meal mush" and mentions of ice-cream reflect American cultural contexts and preferences.
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