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20.06.2020 20:38 •  Английский язык

Дайте правильный ответ the data from his report is/was; are/were verified . как правильно поставить глаголы в этом предложении?

Скорее всего
The data from his report was verified.
was, т.к data употребляется в единственном числе, а is не подходит, потому что предложение в пр времени
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Современные школы не отличаются особой системой образования, они однотипны. Я знаю, как сделать так, чтобы у каждого ребенка было желание ежедневно и идти школу. Если бы я был директором школы, то я бы изменил в них следующее…

Для начала, я бы изменила образование. Сейчас детей очень сильно нагружают знаниями, которые зачастую не усваиваются. Чтобы учебный процесс приносил максимум пользы, следует проводить игровые минутки, которые поднимут настроение у школьников и будут мотивировать их к учебе. Еще один вариант – это награждение за хорошие оценки. Каждый хороший балл – бонус на что-либо.

Еще одним огромным минусом современных школ являются закрытые двери во время уроков. Следует объяснить детям, что учеба – это их будущая жизнь, они должны получать знания ежедневно, ведь их успешность только в их руках. Открытая дверь на улицу на время перемен намного скрасит их будни. Природа и свежий воздух, как известно, положительно влияет на людей.

Площадка возле школы тоже должна быть при для детей. После школы дети бегут на игровые площадки, дабы повеселиться с друзьями и отдохнуть от учебы. Если бы я был директором, то я бы посадил елочки возле школы, которые бы придавали ощущения нахождения в хвойном лесу. Детскую площадку сделал бы большой. Беговые дорожки, уличные тренажеры, горки, качели и другие детские карусели.

Директор – это человек, который в ответе за каждого ребенка. Он должен оберегать и заботиться о них. Школа – это место, где ребенок осваивает азы жизни, он начинает понимать картину мира и учится принимать решения самостоятельно. Данное учебное заведение должно по максимуму обеспечить деткам безопасность и гарантию в том, что окончив школу, они станут успешными и образованными личностями.

Источник: Сочинение Если бы я был директором школы


4,6(96 оценок)
 THE ROLE OF TECHNICAL PROGRESS The scientific and technical revolution has changed our life very much. The computers, the mobile phones and other digital devices have entered our everyday life. The atomic space and energy age was followed by the age of computer. The task which had seemed eternal before have been solved one by one by computers. During the last decade many fundamental changes occurred because of electronic devices. It is even difficult to imagine the social and economic consequences of the microelectronic revolution. The large use of computers has influenced our life in such a way that it was difficult to imagine 15 or 20 years ago. On the one hand, computers have simplified our life greatly. If you typed a text on the typewriter and made a mistake you had to type the whole page again. Making several copies of the same document used to be a difficult job too. But now it’s quite different. Correcting mistakes is easy. Computer also helps us to buy goods, find information, book tickets, make presentations and annual reports, and make difficult calculations. Time is saved for leisure. Leisure time is also influenced by computer and other periphery devices. You no longer go to the music shops - many things are available on the internet You needn’t write letters to your relatives or friends - you can send an e-mail. And your photo albums are on computer too. Computer games are probably also a part of your free time. They bеcаme mоrе and more realistic and complicated, and for many people it becomes impossible to tear themselves away. This means that electronic devices, such a computer and TV set are used mostly for entertainment and consume most of the time that could be spent on work, going for a walk and sleeping. Man becomes a slave of the devices which were designed to make him stronger. Is there a way out? In fact, there is, but many people don't know it and are stills laves. The best decision is not to give these equipment place in your heart. 5 They should do their work. And when you have a rest, prefer real communication to virtual one and living an active life to watching films about crime. Then electronics will be not our lord or enemy but our friend!

1. The technical revolution has changed our life very much, hasn‘t it? Yes, it has. The technical revolution has changed our life very much.
2. What were the predecessors of computer age? The atomic space and energy age was followed by the age of computer. 
3. Do computers make our life easier and simple? In what way? Using computers and the internet develops important skills in young people. Teens can visit different countries and cities. They meet new people and communicate with their peers from different countries. They learn a lot about the life of people from other countries. Young people find a lot of useful information in the Internet. 
4. Computers influence our free time too, don`t they? Yes, they do. Computers influence our free time too.
5. Can you get music and video on the internet? What other information can you get there? Internet is very useful, because it is a huge base of data and knowledge, where you can find any thing you want from movies and music of interest to the vast number of books, newspapers and magazines.To find more information, download the required essay, watch video about some books which you have already read, everything can be done through the Internet.
6. What devices became compatible with computer during the last years? Many devices became compatible with computer during the last years, such as mobile phones, navigators and etc.
7. Can you communicate with your friends on the Internet? Yes, I can. Nowadays there are very different popular social networks where communication with your friends and relatives also is not difficult.
8. Do you like such communication or you prefer real one? lOf course, I like such communication but I prefer real one.
9. In what way do computer games influence the people? Computer games are probably also a part of our free time and for many people it becomesimpossible to tear themselves away. 
10. Do electronic devices take all our free time? Yes, they do. Is man a slave of the devices which were designed to make him stronger? I think, some men are slaves of the devices and it's not well for him and his health.
11. Does the author suggest a way out? Yes, he does. He tells us that the best decision is not to give these equipment place in our heart. They should do their work. And when we have a rest, prefer real communicationto virtual one and living an active life to watching films about crime. Thenelectronics will be not our lord or enemy but our friend!12.What is the way out in your opinion? - I agree with the author. I don't mean that I am against computer and the Internet, but it should have reasonable limits.
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