Fashion 70's! Generation who diligently mastered it, now I remember the absolute democracy of the period. "It is fashionable is what you are" - at least, this slogan many freed from having to push yourself to things that did not fit the image. Innovations that have taken root if ever, there were many. One of them - jeans, they began to carry everywhere, everyone, regardless of age, gender, shape, and since then has not taken off. Young people (and not only) of the Soviet Union with a gasp uttered the name "Lewis", but over the years learned to correctly pronounce it. Most of the jeans are imported illegally into the country, such as sailors, it happens abroad. So blue pants more and more in the conquest and the territory. Was the desire to not only jeans, but denim from which sewed everything. Came into use the term "unisex". (As for the pronunciation, from which he was to appear, then British owned a few, spoke as heard. You just try to explain now what the song "Shizgara" which is then executed on every dance floor. Just because someone is heard words "She's got it"). The seventies were marked by the fact that while the concept of "basic things basic wardrobe" that is, a number of things, from which you can quickly do Matched sets: a pair of skirts, pants, blouses and jackets few. Fashion itself, its direction has changed several times during the decade. Flare, batch file, a platform wedge heel, boots, stockings, dresses, safari, turtleneck, she's golf, women's trouser suit - it's all there, from the seventies. In the years up to the limit, the number wanting to wear a "mini" and "maxi" has also become relevant. Generally, this decade is characterized by a variety of styles (here and retro, and folklore, and the hippies and the military, and punk) and the explosion of interest in fashion, "ready-to-wear." Fashion designers are no longer anonymous, their names were heard. Detachment famous couturier filled with new names are collections of young featured regularly on the podium Paris. Fashion has acquired an industrial scale, entered into mass production. In the same period there was a general love for shorts, classic has become a little more relaxed, there was an unwritten rule in the wardrobe of a smart show ordinary negligence. To some fashion of those years seemed tasteless and absurd, but for some designers who are working today in the seventies - the real source of inspiration. These images are so easy to carry in our time, with appropriate treatment, of course. Many of the women of our country in those years for the first time were able to buy French perfume. Ah, the smell of "Climate" - the original name of "Climat" (pronounced the same as many "climate"), he immediately takes us back to the seventies.
My main hobby - reading. It is quite simple, for example, I love to read non-classical literature. This is one of my main hobbies.
I will name my favorite authors: Sergei Lukyanenko, Roger Zelazny, JK Rowling, Eugene Gulyakovsky, Mayne Reid, Gerber Wales, John Bedankur, Cyrus Bulychev, and others. Often read fiction, although other types of books I read with great pleasure. My favorite pieces (one or two from the author, the other reason did not like or had no more famous and best-selling books): Vasily Orekhov "Line of Fire", "impact area", Roman Glushkov, "Cold Blood", Alexander Bushkov cycle " Piranha. "
"The stalemate is not there at all. According to one of the legends of the Zone, this is Red Shukhov said to his companions for a few moments before they walled him live at the base of the concrete sarcophagus Fourth power ... "- read this passage from the book of Basil Smith" affected area "you can immediately understand the" category "books I've ever read, or ever again will.
On average, I read 25 books for a year, beginning at age 11. On this basis, I even "ruined" his vision, while reading books helps communicate freely. Many will say that fiction does not fit for expanding horizons and other beneficial qualities that give us the classics. I will allow to disagree with this opinion. Fiction writers write a world-class, reading books where the main part - fiction - gives a big boost to the imagination.
So any book, including fiction, have any instructive meaning for a reader or for humanity, although global and drastic changes in a generation, available only in the minds and visionaries in their books.
Reading fiction - my hobby.