На украинском Завжди мати при собі необхідні речі для виживання, такі як: екстрені ковдри, мотузки або мотури, таблетки для очищення води, аптечку першої до , засоби для розпалювання вогню, потужний фонарик або ліхтарик на голову, нож, компас та сигнальне дзеркало12.
Носити захисні окуляри та маску для обличчя або бандану для захисту від пилових бурь1.
Не забувайте про правильне харчування та гігієну. Пам’ятайте про правильне зберігання їжі та води3.
Якщо ви заблукали, намагайтеся знайти орієнтир або маршрут до цивілізації2.
Не забувайте про безпеку. Не підходьте до незнайомих рослин і тварин2.
Якщо вам потрібно рухатися вдень, намагайтеся робити це вранці або ввечері, коли є менше спеки2.
Якщо у вас немає достатньої кількості води, не панікуйте і не п’йте її зразу ж багато. Потреба у воді може бути помилковою і може бути задоволена шляхом зменшення фізичної активності
На английском
Always have the necessary survival items with you, such as emergency blankets, ropes or harnesses, water purification tablets, a first aid kit, fire starting equipment, a powerful flashlight or head torch, knife, compass and signal mirror12.
Wear protective goggles and a face mask or bandana to protect against dust storms1.
Do not forget about proper nutrition and hygiene. Remember to store food and water properly3.
If you get lost, try to find a landmark or route to civilization2.
Do not forget about safety. Do not approach unfamiliar plants and animals2.
If you need to move during the day, try to do so in the morning or evening when it is less hot2.
If you don't have enough water, don't panic and don't drink too much at once. The need for water may be false and can be met by reducing physical activity
Вибачте що такі великі речення
Hi Molly.
I'm having a brilliant holiday in Scotland.
I travelled here by plane two weeks ago and have been staying with Emma and Tom.
They are our friends who come from Spain. They used to live in Madrid.
Sometimes I find it hard to understand what they're saying, but I'm learning English better than ever before! I got bad marks in English last year, but next term I'll do much better!
Last weekend, we went camping. While we were putting up the tents, it started to pour with rain! It wasn't as wet as when we went sailing last year, but it was almost as bad!
Last month, my sister, Sally got married (MARRY) to John. It was an amazing (AMAZE) day and we all had a great time. They got married in a very scenic (SCENE) location at the top of a mountain. Sally wore a fashionable (FASHION) wedding dress. It came from a second-hand shop, but it was a designer (DESIGN) label. Our parents are divorced (DIVORCE), but they still get on well. We met John's family and they were welcoming (WELCOME) and kind. His mother was very helpful (HELP) at the wedding reception because she looked after all the children! John used to be a professional basketball player (PLAY). He took part in many competitions (COMPETE) and was a coach. Now he works as a cyclist (CYCLE) in his free time.