Emma is a good, kind and sincere person. She lives in Moscow. Her friends are very nice people
They are intelligent educated and kind. She likes to sing, dance and help people. If something does not work out for her, then she aspires to this goal and does not stop until she reaches it. But also she has negative habits, she thinks too much about herself, is dependent on popularity, and sometimes she can be bold. I am very I want to become her friend. I would give her advice, with which she would become perfect.
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Present Perfect:
Have you already met Mr. Bin and his wife?- Вы уже встречались с мистером Бином и его супругой? I have already met Mr. Bin and his wife.-Я уже встречался с мистером Бином и его супругой. I haven’t met Mr. Bin and his wife yet.-Я еще не встречался с мистером Бином и его женой.Have they finished yet?- Они еще не закончили?They have already finished.-Они уже закончили.They haven’t finished yet.Они еще не закончили.Present progressive:
I am writing in order to draw your attention to the latest news.-Пишу, чтобы обратить Ваше внимание на последние новости.Small flocks are flitting about.-Маленькие стайки носятся взад-вперед.Meredith is not enjoying Karev’s company.-Мередит не нравится общение с Каревом.Bobby and Ben are not playing cricket.-Бобби и Бен не играют в крикет.Are Bobby and Ben making a spaceship or a helicopter?-Бобби и Бен мастерят космический корабль или вертолет?Are those clawed fish swimming around here?-Здесь плавает та рыба с когтями?