would be - ( было бы ) . Это значение встречается со вторым и третьим лицами единственного и множественного числа.
may be - ( может быть ). Отрицательный ответ на с may, означающий запрещение.
probably - ( возможно ). probably – наречие, поэтому употребляются они с разными формами глагола.
might - ( может быть, пусть, можешь...). Это модальные глаголы, у которых есть множество интересных качеств . глаголы модальные, то после них используется инфинитив без частицы to.
may - Модальный глагол may (might) в значении разрешения и возможности чего-то может заменяться на can (could). Однако, may передает личное разрешение, принятое самим говорящим или другим лицом.
j)Yeomen guards guard the Tower of London and are now tasked with hosting 3 million visitors a year.
K) building on the banks of the Dark in the West London area, where the meetings of the British Parliament are held. Earlier, it served as the capital of the English kings. Now, this is the reception hall, and the Jewel Tower.Westminster Abbey is a Gothic church in Westminster. Traditional coronation and burial site for British monarchs.Big Ben is a popular tourist name for the clock tower. The official name of the tower is the Tower of Elizabeth.Trafalgar Square is a square in the center of London. Initially, it was called the square of King William IV, but it was finally named in honor of the victory in the Battle of Trafalgar.St Paul's Cathedral - located at the top of Ludgate Hill - the highest point in the city - is also the seat of the Bishop of London.Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain. When the monarch is in the palace, the royal standard flies over the roof of the palace.
L)British museum,Tate modern,National Gallery
my friend said that
1 he was tired that day.
2 Мах was not right.
3 his favourite song was «Strawberry fields» by Beatles.
4 his brother was very talented.
5. he was proud of his brother.
6 it was late to go anywhere.
7 I was very pale.
8 his apartment wasn't very small.
9 he didn't eat asparagus.
10 he ate only twice a day.
11 he liked to stay there.
12he didn't know those people.
13 that waiter had a good memory.
14 unfortunately he didn't travel much.
15 he weighed 82 kilograms.
16 his mother always encouraged him.
17 he always followed his parents' advice.
18 he had found his driving licence the day before.
19 two days before he had hurt his leg.
20 he had gone to the doctor immediately.
21 he had got a letter from America a week before.
22 he would stay at home the following day.
23 he would eat nothing for dinner that night.
24 he would explain to me his idea later.
25 he would hope for the better.
26 he would drive me home.
27 he had never been to Spain.
28 that book of poetry had already appeared.
29 he hadn't enjoyed a new play.
30 something had happened to his colleague.
31 he had to help his colleague.
32 he couldn't afford dinner at that restaurant.
33 he was going to invite his cousin to the party, but he couldn't find him anywhere.
34 he would go to the country on Sunday if the weather was good.
35 he was sure it was a mistake to eat a heavy lunch.
36 he thought I was not right to eat meat.