Англия, — страна в составе Великобритании (вместе с Шотландией и Уэльсом). Находится на юге Великобритании и по суше граничит с Уэльсом на западе и с Шотландией на севере; омывается на западе Ирландским и Кельтским морями; на востоке Северным морем. Проливы Ла-Манш (Английский канал) и Па-де-Кале (Дуврский пролив) на юге и юго-востоке отделяют Англию от Франции. В состав Англии входят остров Мэн, остров Уайт, острова Силли.
England is a country in the UK (along with Scotland and Wales). It is located in the south of Great Britain and is overland bordered by Wales to the west and Scotland to the north; washed in the west by the Irish and Celtic Seas; in the east by the North Sea. The English Channel and the Pas-de-Calais (Dover Strait) straits in the south and southeast separate England from France. The structure of England includes the Isle of Man, the Isle of Wight, the Isles of Scilly.
-ed - opened, mixed, repeated
-d - liked, baked, decided
-ied - married, tried, worried
double consonant + -ed - stopped, planned, travelled
B.2. have not ordered ( did not order )
3. phoned
4. played
C.2. Did your friends play football yesterday?
Yes, they did. / No, they didn't.
3. Did your mum bake a cake last weekend?
Yes, she did. / No, she didn't.
4. Did you phone a friend an hour ago?
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
D.2. drank
3. rode
4. gave
5. thought
6. had
7. went
8. woke
9. bought
E.2. Did Jenny wear a skirt to the party?
No, she didn't. She wore jeans.
3. Did cowboys drive car in the 1880s?
No, they didn't. They rode horses.
4. Did the teacher speak Greek in the lesson?
No, she didn't. She spoke English.
-ed - opened, mixed, repeated
-d - liked, baked, decided
-ied - married, tried, worried
double consonant + -ed - stopped, planned, travelled
B.2. have not ordered ( did not order )
3. phoned
4. played
C.2. Did your friends play football yesterday?
Yes, they did. / No, they didn't.
3. Did your mum bake a cake last weekend?
Yes, she did. / No, she didn't.
4. Did you phone a friend an hour ago?
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
D.2. drank
3. rode
4. gave
5. thought
6. had
7. went
8. woke
9. bought
E.2. Did Jenny wear a skirt to the party?
No, she didn't. She wore jeans.
3. Did cowboys drive car in the 1880s?
No, they didn't. They rode horses.
4. Did the teacher speak Greek in the lesson?
No, she didn't. She spoke English.
The British love animals very much. You will not see stray cats and dogs on the streets. This issue has long been decided.