What is brand?
A brand is a special trade mark, sign, symbol, design of the product that distinguishes it from other products.
When can we speak about brand loyalty?
We can speak about brand loyalty when people are committed to a particular brand that they regularly buy.
How much time does it take to create a brand?
It takes up to ten years to create a brand in the West. In Russia it can only take two years.
Why do companies use brand-stretching?
Brand-stretching helps companies to generate additional revenue and increase brand-awareness.
Do people in Scotland prefer world-famous or local brands of fizzy drinks?
People in Scotland prefer local brands of fizzy drinks.
What are the reasons for Barbie’s continued popularity?
These reasons are costume variations and brand-stretching.
Excited, Suzy ran into the sea, but it was colder than it looked.
Bravely, Suzy ran into the sea, but it was colder than it looked.