У меня есть питомец,это маленький хомячок породы (порода хомяка).Его зовут (имя хомяка).
Живёт он в большой просторной клетке,так же очень любит крутить колесо.Чаще всего он это делает вечером и ночью.Он не очень большой,у него пушистая шерстка,маленькие ушки и глазки бусинками.Я очень люблю своего (имя хомяка),мы с ним отлично ладим. 54 Иногда я выпускаю его погулять по квартире(или дому).Питается он овощами и фруктами,такими как огурцы,морковь,яблоко, капуста,салат,сыр и так далее.Эти овощи обязательно входят в его рацион,они наполняют организм полезными веществами,так же все овощи должны быть свежие и желательно с огорода.
I have a pet, it's a small breed hamster (порода). His name is (имя).
He lives in a large spacious cage, he also loves to spin the wheel. Most often he does this in the evening and at night. He is not very big, he has fluffy fur, small ears and beady eyes. we get along great with him. 54 Sometimes I let him go for a walk around the apartment . He eats vegetables and fruits, such as cucumbers, carrots, apples, cabbage, lettuce, cheese, and so on. These vegetables are a must in his diet, they fill the body with useful substances, Also, all vegetables should be fresh and preferably from the garden.
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I think the most serious ecological problem is flood. Because this Natural Disaster can destroy a lot of house, public built, busyness, companies and industrials. Flood can washes away different houses, even more great and high houses.
People and mankind can protect environment from this Natural Disaster different methods and ways. For instance people produced tall damp for protect from flood. People can clean unnecessary water with aqua pump , which can clean this unnecessary water.
I think in each school teachers must discuss ecological problems with students and learners. Teachers must give solution and ways hep in dangerous moments. If teachers will talk this information, so each students and learners will in friendly.