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26.01.2022 09:25 •  Английский язык

I2) what is one of the first things joshua does when he comes to school?
a) he stands and bows to the teacher.
b) he practices hir reading and writing
c) he puts on his gurn clothes for class

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Economic growth.
 Economic growth is understood as long-term changes of real volume of the national production, connected with development of productive forces in a long-term time interval.
If all factors of production are used completely and with the greatest efficiency (the economy is on border of the production capabilities), the real output reaches the maximum value. It is so-called "potential output".
If production resources are used insufficiently effectively or not in full, the actual value of real output will be less potential.
The essence of economic growth consists in permission and reproduction at new level of the main contradiction of economy: between limitation of production resources and infinity of public requirements.
This contradiction can be resolved in two main ways:
– first, at the expense of increase in production capabilities;
– secondly, due to the most effective use of available production capabilities and development of public requirements.
However on it process doesn't come to the end: at each new stage of development at expansion of production capabilities not all public requirements are satisfied.
There are two main approaches to treatment of forms of manifestation of economic growth. As the most widespread the understanding of economic growth as total characteristic of development of national economy supports the certain period, measured or growth rates of real volume of GNP, or rates of increase in these indicators per capita. Now the second approach prevails.
Economic growth is meant as such development of national economy at which rates of increase in the real national income exceed growth rates of the population.
Considering economic growth from the point of view of interests of all society, it is possible to allocate its main objectives: increase of material well-being of the population and maintenance of national security.
Efficiency of economic growth is understood as improvement of all components of the many-sided concept "production efficiency".
Improvement of quality of goods and services, increase of their competitiveness, development of production of new goods, development of new technologies, increase in return concern to them from use of production resources, etc.
The concept "quality of economic growth" of the economic theory contacts strengthening of a social orientation of economic development of the country. The main components of quality of economic growth are:
– improvement of material well-being of the population;
– increase in free time;
– increase of a level of development of branches of social infrastructure;
– growth of investments into the human capital;
– safety of working conditions and life of people;
– social security jobless and disabled;
– maintenance of a full employment.
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Столица Вашингтон расположена на реке Потомак в округе Колумбия. Район является земельным участком, принадлежит не одному государству, а всем штатам. Район назван в честь Христофора Колумба, открывателя Америки. Очень интересно, что американцы никогда не говорят просто о Вашингтон. Они всегда добавляют «D.C.» как указание места. Это важно, так как существует много городов с одинаковым названием по всей стране и даже одна великая держава на дальнем северо-западе. Вашингтон был основан в 1791 роцВи как столица Соединенных Штатов Америки. Вашингтон - это совсем новый город. Население города составляет почти миллион человек. Это не очень большой город, но оно очень важно как столица США. В Вашингтоне существует закон о строительстве сооружений, превышающих Капитолий. В Вашингтоне есть много исторических мест. Самый большой и самый высокий - Капитолий, где заседает Конгресс. Это очень красивое сооружение с белыми мраморными колоннами. Недалеко от Капитолия находится Библиотека Конгресса. В нем хранится пять миллионов книг. Белый дом, резиденция президента - древнейшая общественная структура в столице и одна из самых красивых. Он был построен в 1799 году. Это двухэтажное здание. Неподалеку от Капитолия находится Вашингтонский памятник, который похож на очень большой карандаш. Он поднимается на 160 метров и внутри пустой. Специальный подъемник приводит посетителей к вершине 70 секунд, откуда они могут наслаждаться видом на город. Мемориал Джефферсона был построен в память о третьем президента США Томаса Джефферсона, который также был автором Декларации независимости. Мемориал окружен вишневыми деревьями. Мемориал Линкольна посвящен памяти шестнадцатого президента США, автора Прокламации эмансипации, который дал свободу негрським рабам в Америке.

1.Washington was founded in 1791 as the capital of the United States.

2.The capital of Washington is located on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia.

3.The area is a plot of land that belongs not to one state, but to all states.

4.The largest and tallest is the Capitol,

where the Congress meets. It is a very beautiful building with white marble columns. Not far from the Capitol is the Library of Congress. It holds five million books. The White House, the residence of the president is the oldest public structure in the capital and one of the most beautiful. It was built in 1799. It is a two storied whit e building . Not far from the Capitol is the Washington Monument, which looks like a very big pencil. It rises 160 metres and it is empty inside. A special lift brings visitors to the top in 70 seconds, from where they can enjoy the view of the city. The Jefferson Memorial was built in memory of the third President of the USA Thomas Jefferson, who was also the author of the Declaration of Independence. The Memorial is surrounded by cherry trees.

5.The Jefferson Memorial was built in memory of the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, who was also the author of the Declaration of Independence. The memorial is surrounded by cherry trees.

6.The memorial commemorates the sixteenth President of the United States, author of the Proclamation of Emancipation, who freed Negro slaves in America.

7.The population of the city is almost a million people.


In Washington, there was a law to build a building higher than the Capitol.


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