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18.06.2020 21:23 •  Английский язык

Fill in the correct preposition where neeessary. 1. this is the most peaceful place the world. 2. i livelesnaya street. 3. yesterday nick went 4. all pupils always listen_the teacher. 5. my school is not farmy house. 6. givehim this book. 7. the family went to the sea bus. 8. we livea noisy city. 9. it was very coldmonday 10. do you learn mascow poems_ heart at school?

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Хорошо, давайте разберем каждую тему по очереди, чтобы сравнить наши школьные дни.

1. "Как я добираюсь в школу" (How I get to school):
Объяснение: В этом разделе мы рассмотрим, как мы добираемся до школы каждый день.

Answer: Я добираюсь до школы автобусом. Школьный автобус забирает меня прямо у дома и довозит до школы. Еще есть дети, которые приходят в школу пешком или на велосипеде.

2. "Время начала моей школы" (Time my school starts):
Объяснение: Мы сравним, во сколько начинается наши школьные дни.

Answer: Мой школьный день начинается в 8:30 утра. У нас есть время для прибытия в школу и подготовки к началу занятий. Каждое утро я должен быть в школе не позднее 8:20.

3. "Активности, которые я делаю утром" (Activities I do in the morning):
Объяснение: Здесь мы расскажем о том, что мы делаем в начале дня перед началом занятий.

Answer: Утром, перед началом занятий, я обычно завтракаю дома. Потом я чищу зубы и одеваюсь в свою школьную форму. Если у меня есть время, я также проверяю свой рюкзак, чтобы убедиться, что у меня есть все необходимые учебные материалы.

4. "Активности, которые я делаю после обеда" (Activities I do in the afternoon):
Объяснение: Здесь мы расскажем о том, чем занимаемся послешкольных занятий и обеда.

Answer: После обеда и окончания школьного дня, я обычно иду на дополнительные занятия, такие как спорт или музыкальная школа. Иногда у меня есть послешкольные клубы или встречи с друзьями. Если у меня есть свободное время, я могу играть на улице или учиться дома.

5. "Домашняя работа" (Homework):
Объяснение: Здесь мы обсудим, какую домашнюю работу мы получаем и как ее выполнить.

Answer: После школы, у меня обычно есть домашняя работа. Я должен уделить время на выполнение уроков, чтение, повторение материала или подготовку к предстоящим тестам. Если у меня возникают вопросы при выполнении домашнего задания, я обычно спрашиваю учителя или обсуждаю это с родителями.

Таким образом, мы сравнили наши школьные дни по ряду тем. Наша учебная программа может немного отличаться, но общие принципы и активности, которые мы делаем, могут быть похожи.
4,7(99 оценок)
1. I'm certain they go to bed early on Sunday nights. They must go to bed early on Sunday nights.
- The word "must" is used to express a strong belief or certainty. In this case, I am certain that they go to bed early on Sunday nights based on my knowledge or past experience.

2. I'm sure John didn't stay late at the office. John can't have stayed late at the office.
- The phrase "can't have" is used to show that something is impossible or unlikely based on the available evidence. In this case, I am sure that John didn't stay late at the office because it is unlikely or impossible given the circumstances.

3. I'm certain he hasn't arrived yet. He can't have arrived yet.
- Again, the phrase "can't have" is used to express that something is impossible or unlikely. In this case, I am certain that he hasn't arrived yet because it is unlikely or impossible based on the information I have.

4. I'm certain they are working together. They must be working together.
- The word "must" is used to express a strong belief or certainty. In this case, I am certain that they are working together based on my knowledge or observations.

5. I'm sure Amy hasn't finished her homework. Amy can't have finished her homework.
- Similar to the previous examples, I am sure that Amy hasn't finished her homework based on the circumstances and available evidence. It is unlikely or impossible given the information I have.

6. I'm certain she was having a bath when I rang. She must have been having a bath when I rang.
- The phrase "must have" is used to express a strong belief or certainty about a past event. In this case, I am certain that she was having a bath when I rang based on my knowledge or observations.

7. I'm sure he hasn't won the prize. He can't have won the prize.
- Once again, I am sure that he hasn't won the prize based on the available evidence. It is unlikely or impossible given the circumstances.

8. I'm sure she is looking for a new house. She must be looking for a new house.
- The word "must" is used to express a strong belief or certainty. In this case, I am sure that she is looking for a new house based on my knowledge or observations.

9. I'm certain Paul didn't invite Linda to the party. Paul can't have invited Linda to the party.
- Based on the available evidence or information, I am certain that Paul didn't invite Linda to the party. It is unlikely or impossible given the circumstances.

10. I'm certain you have been planning the project. You must have been planning the project.
- The phrase "must have" is used to express a strong belief or certainty about a past event. In this case, I am certain that you have been planning the project based on my knowledge or observations.

11. I'm sure she was writing a letter. She must have been writing a letter.
- The phrase "must have" is used to express a strong belief or certainty about a past event. In this case, I am sure that she was writing a letter based on my knowledge or observations.

12. I'm certain they hadn't paid the bill. They can't have paid the bill.
- Based on the available evidence or information, I am certain that they haven't paid the bill. It is unlikely or impossible given the circumstances.

13. I'm sure he had been fixing the pipe. He must have been fixing the pipe.
- The phrase "must have" is used to express a strong belief or certainty about a past event. In this case, I am sure that he had been fixing the pipe based on my knowledge or observations.
4,7(69 оценок)
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