1. If I could give a definite answer, I would have done it a long time ago.
2. If we had more time, we would only see it for two days.
3. If I knew that it interests you so much, I would not only tell you about my trip, but would also show slides.
4. If we had more time
sights of the city, but we can only see it briefly.
5. We would not ask
You about it.
8. Но для меня, ты бы все еще стоял там.
9. Но для тебя я должен быть в безопасности дома сейчас.
10. Но из-за того, что ты мне сказал, я никогда не подозревал ее.
Finally the day came, when I first came on the scene well of this house. I was so worried that didn't notice, as the curtain rose. When I spoke to him, I didn't recognize his own voice. Then ended the first act and the curtain has fallen. I felt that I was crying because I was very upset: I thought I was bad played a role. I was approached and spronin why I was crying. "Don't you hear the audience applauding you? You played perfectly.
At first I believed it, but then I was under my teacher, one of the oldest actors of the theatre, and said that he really liked my playing. I was approached the other actors and said that I had fulfilled my role. It was the happiest day of my life.