Я писала сочинение по вопросам,которые связанны с днём рождения.
2 October 2012
Dear Svetlana,
Thanks for your letter.I really should have written sooner,but I was busy.
My birthday is on the 12th of October.
I usually celebrate it with my family.And then with my friends.It's very pleasant to get surprises frm them.
When is your birthday?Who do you usually invite to your birthday?What would you like to get for you birthday party?
On this birthday I want to get a new guitar and many ballons.
I'll write again soon.
I love you so much.
В мире много дорог и по какой именно мне идти предстоит выбрать в ближайшее будущее. Кем стать? Куда пойти что-бы приносить пользу нашему миру?
Многообразие профессия на нашей земле очень велико, но я точно знаю, что в той или иной работе я смогу приносить людям пользу. Стану военным- буду защищать нашу страну!
Врачом- лечить людей и предостеригать от разных заболеваний .
Пожарным людей стихийных и человеческих факторов. Но я точно знаю какую работу не выберу я принесу пользу людям трудясь на благо совести!
When I was younger me and my family came to Paris on vacation. We went to Eifil Tower and I was lost! I tried to find a place where I saw my parents last time but I couldn’t do it. I was crying for half an hour. I opened my eyes and saw women how was trying to help me. She asked what happened with me and I said to she my problem. The main event was when she helped me and I have found my parents on the top of Eifil Tower. My feelings was wonderful when I have seen my mom. In the end of the story my dad gave me the phone,so I could call my parents if I have had lost again