Exercise17. make as many sentences as possible using past perfect tense. e.g. i have lived there for 20 years. – i didn‟t know you had lived there for 20 years? did you say…? i knew… you mentioned… she admitted… we never claimed… they said… he announced… 1. i have seen you working out at the gym. 2. she graduated from the nick bollettieri tennis academy. 3. he has never cheated. 4. they have never planned to appeal. 5. we finished work on the olympic facilities in time. 6. the media have put pressure on the organizers of sporting competitions to make the viewing experience better for tv audiences. 7. sports illustrated magazine has presented the sportsman of the year award. 8. pele scored 1281 goals in 1363 games over his 22-year career. 9. over the years, many olympians and sports personalities have lent their name and time to support the un family.
Mozart, an Austrian composer and virtuoso musician, was born on January 27, 1756. Popular classical composer. Influenced the world music culture. He had phenomenal hearing. The youngest member of the Bologna Philharmonic Academy (since 1770). And also the youngest knight of the order of the Golden spur.When Mozart was 4 years old, he played the harpsichord. When he was 5-6 years old, he started composing music. At the age of 8-9, he created his first symphonies, and at the age of 10-11, his first works for musical theater. Mozart not only worked in all the musical forms of his time, but also achieved great success in them. Many of his compositions are recognized as masterpieces of symphonic, concert, chamber, Opera and choral music. Mozart arrived in Prague already ill, and since then his condition has worsened. He died on December 5, 1791.
Объяснение: Перевод: Австрийский композитор и музыкант-виртуоз Моцарт родился 27 января 1756 года. Популярный классический композитор. Повлиял на мировую музыкальную культуру. Обладал феноменальным слухом. Самый молодой член Болонской филармонической академии (с 1770 года). А также самый молодой кавалер ордена Золотой шпоры.Когда Моцарту было 4 года, он играл на клавесине. Когда ему было 5-6 лет, он начал сочинять музыку. В возрасте 8-9 лет он создал свои первые симфонии, и в 10-11 лет - первые произведения для музыкального театра. Моцарт не просто работал во всех музыкальных формах своего времени, но и добился в них большого успеха. Многие из его сочинений признаны шедеврами симфонической, концертной, камерной, оперной и хоровой музыки. Моцарт приехал в Прагу уже больным, и с этих пор его состояние ухудшалось. Умер 5 декабря 1791 года.