1. "Carbon calculators" can help you to know how much CO2 is produced by you. 2. Almost one ton of CO2 per person may be produced during a flight across the Pacific Ocean. 3. That can be done by buying energy-efficient light bulbs, refrigerators, and other appliances. By installing solar panels, we can make homes and businesses greener. 4. It may be offsetted by walking, riding bicycles, and driving hybrid cars. 5. This article implies the need of reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Because, otherwise it may lead to global warming.
1. There are three rooms and Akitchen in our new flat. 2. My new dress is made of NO ARTICLE silk. 3. If you want to write something on THE blackboard, you must have A piece of NO ARTICLE chalk. 4. Are there any pupils in THE classroom? 3. I have A new English book. THE book is very interesting. 6. There is A garden in NO ARTICLE front of our school. THE garden is not large, but it is very nice. 7. NO ARTICLE... May is THE fifth month of the year. 8. ..NO ARTICLE. Saturday is THE ... sixth day of the week. 9. .NO ARTICLE.. Sunday is A day of
3 Сомневаюсь на счет 3 blackboad, если на любой доске, тогда будет A BLACKBOARD, если на той, что в вашем классе (конкретной), тогда THE BLACKBOARD - В предложении не ясно о какой именно доске идет речь
Do they do their homework in the evening?
Who does their homework in the evening ?
When do they do their homework?
What do they do in the evening?