)нужно написать сочинение на тему мой ресторан (12 предложений)1.тип (ресторан/кафе и т.д.)2.меню3.дизайн (ретро/минимализм и т.д.)4.музыка (колонки/живая)5.фишки (детская комната/антикафе)
In the world today there are so many technologies that it was impossible to imagine, say, ten or fifteen years ago. It's all kinds of gadgets in medicine and in all branches of science, in business, in construction and in many other smartphones, tablets and more. To list them would take months, if not years. Now and medicine, science and many other industries have gone far ahead. Now from diseases dying much smaller people. Technology has become an inseparable companion of man .Thanks to technology, people's lives became easier. To wash the dishes is the dishwasher .In order to do Laundry, have a washing machine. Talking on the phone, too, has become a common thing. But the more people use technology, the less they want to work. The Vedas, the dishes can the dishwasher and Laundry washing machine. People are starting to be lazy. The need of the people in the production of various goods and services decreases, and people have nowhere to work. But despite all the disadvantages, we can not imagine life without these technologies. We are so used to all these subjects, it seems that they have always been, are and will surround us always.
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Помните: существительное, v- глагол, adj - прилагательное.
13 человек или команда, выигравшие соревнование
(пункт 1)
14 они говорят, что разрешено или не разрешено в спорте или игре
(пункт 2)
15 оказывает сильное влияние на что-то или кого-то
(пункт 3)
16, о которых узнает больше людей и в большем количестве мест
(пункт 4)
17 для организации мероприятия или встречи в определенном месте
(пункт 5)
(v) вот тебе перевод и теперь сам(а) пишите