1) played
2) was
3) Did dad help
4) don’t cook
5) Was it, was not
6) walked, weren’t
7) didn’t throw streamers
8) did I say
9) traveled
10) Did you dance; did
11) was your sister
12) were they
1. true
2. false
3. true
4. false
5. true
Task 2 :
Dear ( напиши имя своего друга)
How are you today?
Now I’m writing to tell you about my new neighbours that have moved recently to next door house. In the very first day, I met two sisters aged about 17 and 21. They looked very cheerful and funny. After having a small talk, they invited me for a dinner. I made an apple pie and took it to them. There I met their mother who is a teacher in the kindergarten and their father who is a web designer. We spent a very good time, girls were singing and mother accompanied them on piano. I enjoyed it very much.
But still I really miss my previous neighbours - Rodriguez family. It was a big family with lots of kids, They have been living here for almost 20 years and had to move to a bigger house. They always invited me to family parties, holidays and barbeque, because of this I felt as a member of their family and also was pleased their kind behaviour to me. I will miss them extremely.
Anyway, I’m glad that The Rodriguez now live in a big bright house and my new neighbours are such interesting and cheerful.
What about your news?
All the best,
( напишите свое имя)
В США их называют квартирами; в Великобритании их называют квартирами. Это современное изобретение. Я не особо люблю их. Не думаю, что так много людей живут так близко друг к другу. Людям нехорошо жить друг на друге. Я не понимаю, как люди могут жить выше второго этажа. На небе жить неестественно. Что мне больше всего нравится в квартирах, так это лифты (американцы говорят слишком много) и тот факт, что там нет гендра. Все больше и больше людей переезжают в квартиры. Это секрет проблемы с перенаселенностью. Недостаточно мест, чтобы припарковаться, просто негде выкинуть мусор, и вам придется ждать целую вечность, чтобы добраться до ног. В любой день подарите мне маленький домик с маленькой дренгой.
Выбери лутший ответ
1) played
2) was
3) Did dad help
4) didn’t cook
5) Was it
6) walked, weren’t
7) didn’t throw streamers
8) did I say
9) traveled
10) Dis you dance; did
11) was your sister
12) were they