I think, that meaning of life is fully realising yourself. For be happy in this world, need fully open in profession, that your soul like's. I want to be acter and film derector. Acter - artist of versatile and different genres in movies and theatrical production. I like this profession, because acter can reincarnate from one people to another, take any image. Film derector - main people at filming site. He is organisator, art director and mastermind of all film group. If wasn't art and high professionalism of directed by, world wasn't see so talented feature films. I like this profession because people can do art, create his own movies, that can change the world. At next summer i want to go Kiev , and take courses of acters and directers. It's will be great opportunity to check own talent. If i talented, in future i will exercise my dream.
1) I want to say that I love English but there is one little problem - English doesn't love me.- составление отрицательного предложения в Present Simple невозможно без вс глагола
2) Oh, no, English hates me! - 3 лицо ед. числа, добавляем окончание s к глаголу в Present Simple
3) You can ask me "What? (пропущена буква h) why? what are you talking about stupid girl?"
4) So I can tell you only that "aaam yyyr rrr ahah" - больше подходит этот глагол
5) I can't say anything because I don't know English. - все правильно