1) Teachers must be polite. - Учителя должны быть вежливыми.
2) Teachers must know their subjects well/ Учителя должны хорошо знать свой предмет.
3) Teachers must consider the opinions of students - Учителя дожны учитывать мнение учеников
1) Teachers must not be late at the lessons. - Учителя не должны опаздывать на уроки.
2) Teachers must not speak rudely to anybody. - Учителя не должны разговаривать грубо с кем бы то ни было.
3) Teachers must not shout at the students. - Учителя не должны кричать на учеников.
1) Teachers can come to any students during the lesson. - Учителя подходить к любым ученикам во время урока.
2) Teachers can come out of the classroom during the lesson if they need. - Учителя могут выйти из класса во время урока, если им нужно.
1) Teachers cannot give a bad mark for the student's behavior at the lesson in the class register - Учителя не могут ставить плохие оценки за поведение на уроке в классный журнал.
2) Teachers cannot come to school in dirty clothers. - Учителя не могут приходить в школу в грязной одежде
1)why does she sleeped at seven o'clock yesterday?
2)does he sited at the table whole the evening yesterday?
3)what does Nick do when you come to his place?
4)what does you do when i rang to up
5)don't i sleeped at nine o'clock yesterday?
6)what does he do yesterday?-he has red the book.
7)what does he do the whole evening yesterday? He has red the book.
если что red это третья форма слова read