1 Scrooge was more afraid of the last of the spirits than 11 he had been of the others.
2 The spirit showed him shadows of things which hadn't
happened yet, but .9 would happen in the future
3 From the businessmen's conversations Scrooge learnt 14 that nobody cared about the man who had died.
4 The three women sold Scrooge's clothes because .13 he had paid them very badly when he was alive.
5 A young family had to pay some money to Scrooge so 8 they were happy to hear of his death.
6 When Scrooge wanted to see sadness at a death, .10 the ghost showed him the Cratchits after Tiny Tim died,
7 In the churchyard, the ghost pointed at a grave which 12 had Scrooge's name on the gravestone.
1. I am watching TV.
2. Lulu is flying a kite.
3. The cat isn’t sleeping. It’s playing in the garden.
4. They aren’t swimming in the sea. It’s very cold.
5. Is mum working today?
6. Are you writing a letter?
ОБЪЯСНЕНИЕ Present Continuous :
Am употребляется с I
Is употребляется с He, She , It
Are употребляется с We, Are, They
В отрицательных предложениях добавляем частицу NOT, в вопросительных ставим вс глагол be(am, is, are) в начале предложения, затем существительное или местоимение, потом основной глагол.
предложения надо перевести или имеено как