I love going to the movies and watch different movies. My favorite genres - is comedy and melodrama, but I also like science fiction.
I like different films, because each of them are very interesting and impresses me.
I like comedies, because they make me laugh. Here are some of them: "17 Again," "Just Go With It," "Method Hitch." This family movie.
Melodrama - is sad movies. These films affect people. When I watch them, I usually pay. Some of them: "A Walk to Remember", "If only", "Remember Me."
But my favorite film - is "Harry Potter." All parts. I think this is the best film, and that all children and adults love Harry.
This movie has a lot of computer graphics and special effects.
"Harry Potter" - a very interesting fantasy novel about magicians. But it has, and friendship, and love.
I can watch "Harry Potter" again and again. Each of the 8 parts I look with exciting interest.
This movie teaches us a lot, I advise everyone to watch it
Sun raised. It was already spring, but the snow has not melted yet. It was time for animals to wake up from their winter sleep, the first to come out from the house was a cub of a bear. He really wanted to play with someone and saw a raven on the branch of the tree and started throwing snow balls at him. The bird flew away and a cub followed it. In conclusion he got lost. He wanted to eat fish and honey, but He didn't give up and ran straight, then he saw manny arrows, which showed him a way to get out, but he didn't know where to go. He was so tired, that he fell asleep under a fur tree. Finally, his mother found him.
She comes across as being a bit superficial. - Она производит впечатление слегка поверхностного человека.