Park Zaryadye is not far from Red Square. It takes you a few minutes to get to the park 8 ON foot from Red Square. Visitors first 9 CAME to the park in 2017. Zaryadye is the 10 YOUNGEST park in Moscow The park 11 HAS GOT four geographical zones of Russia: forest, steppe, tundra, and the floodplains. People can visit an ice cave and a concert hall. During the day, the temperature in the ice cave 12 DOESN'T FALL below minus two degrees. 13 IN the evening it is below minus five.
8) 3) on (on foot -пешком)
9 2) came (in 2017)
10 1) youngest (
11 4) has got (park=it)
12 1) does not fall (temperature=it)
1 When autumn #comeS, the days #get shorter and the nights get longer.
2 We #use sunscreen when we #want to get tanned.
3 If you #had drunk too much coffee, you #may have felt tired.
4 The apple pie #WOULD taste better when you #added both sweet and sour apples.
5 When you #ARE feeling in danger, adrenaline #turns on the fight-or-flight response, which #enables you to struggle or to flee from the danger.
6 If you #put a raw egg into a hot spring, it #gets cooked in less than an hour.
7 When people allergic to shellfish #ARE eating shrimps, their skin soon #covers with an itchy rash.