Перепишите предложения. выпишите из них глаголы-сказуемые, определите их видовременные формы, залог и укажите инфинитив. переведитепредложения. 1. much of dangerous waste goes into the air and is carried by winds over great distances. 2. many public organizations and unofficial environmental
movements have been established recently. 3. efforts are being made to reduce pollution from automobile engines. 4. during combustion processes of that substance air pollutants were emitted.
ответ: 1. Keeping a healthy weight lowers your risk of developing certain illnesses in the future.
2. When you work out, play a sport of even just go for walk, the muscles and bones in your body become stronger.
3. Heart is a muscle too, physical activity can keep it strong and healthy.
4. When you take part in a low-intensity activity, you do not sweat and your breathing is not affected greatly. Moderate-intensity activities should make you sweat and your heart beat faster. You cannot sing , but you can continue talking.
5. You start to sweat sooner and cannot talk without getting out of breath.