1. According to The Constitution of The Russian Federation: Everyone shall have the right to life (Article 20), to get free education (Article 43).
Everyone shall have the right to freedom and personal immunity (Article 22). Everyone shall have the right to health protection and medical aid (Article 41)
Article 37 states, "Labour is free. Everyone shall have the right to freely use his labour capabilities, to choose the type of activity and profession".
Everyone shall have the right to a home. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of his or her home (Article 40).
Everyone shall be equal before law and court (Article 19)
Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of ideas and speech (Article 29.1) The freedom of mass communication shall be guaranteed. Censorship shall be banned. (Article 29.5)
Source: Конституция РФ (рус. и англ. версии)
2. There are many examples in the history of Russia where rights have been abused or ignored. For example, after the Russian Revolution of 1917 the family of Nicholas II and Nicholas himself were killed by the bolsheviks. Another example is Decembrist revolt of 14 December, 1825 when many people died in Saint Petersburg on Senate Square by tsar's soldiers.
Royal guard UK. Royal guard (nicknamed Bearskins, eng. Bearskins) - personal protection of the English monarch, part of the British Army.In our day to fear for the life of the king or Queen is not particularly necessary, and today guardsmen perform largely ceremonial duties. However, guards tradition originated some three centuries ago, when the British monarchs really went out on the battlefield. Soldiers in the guards regiments were taken very strictly, these were the best part. The Royal guard is part of the British Army, and, on an equal basis with others, perform combat missions, however, dressed in the standard form - camouflage.Королевская гвардия (по прозвищу Bearskins, англ. Медвежьи шкуры) — личная охрана английского монарха, часть Британской Армии.В наши дни опасаться за жизнь короля или королевы особенно не приходится, и сегодня гвардейцы выполняют, в основном, церемониальные обязанности. Однако гвардейские традиции зародились около трёх веков назад, когда британские монархи действительно выходили на поле боя. Солдат в гвардейские полки отбирали очень строго, это были лучшие части. Королевская гвардия входит в состав Британской Армии, и, на равне с другими, выполняют боевые задания, правда, переодевшись в стандартную форму - камуфляж
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- Радостно сообщила она своему дорогому мужу:
Мы скоро будем два плюс один, дорогая, это три
Дик, том, Микнаэрор жениться,
Эшли, Джон или эйрен барв
Она сказала: - Может быть, он будет она!