One day, about a year after Tom had retired, when I stayed/was staying (оба варианта верны) with Tom's brother, he said: “Let's go and see old Tom I haven't seen him for a long time. He will be happy to see us”. When we came up to his place. Tom was sitting outside the oldcarriage which he had got as a present on his retirement, smoking his pipe in the heavy rain “Why on earth you are sitting there? Why don't you go inside the carriage out of the rain?" "But it's a non-smoking carriage,” he answered.
MK-daily newspaper, Sobesednik-weekly newspaper
2. My father likes Conversationalists, because it is very interesting,
3. My father is very fond of "Behind the Wheel" - this is a periodical of the magazine , he regularly reads it.
4. Next year I plan to subscribe to an English magazine, such as SPEAK OUT
I think I can read it myself
5 I think it's convenient to subscribe to newspapers and magazines, because you won't miss a single issue.
6 I think sometimes people prefer to buy individual issues if they only want to have issues with a really interesting topic