With all due respect, I don't think that was a wise decision to have that boy leave the classroom. He wasn't even the one to blame! Clearly that was another boy who was disrupting your lesson by making jokes, so that the girls could marvel at his wits.
I would make him stand up and come to the blackboard, and then repeat all the jokes out loud. That would only be fair if everyone could have a good laugh. And that would most certainly make the boy a local star! Or not. Or he would just be so embarassed that he would never even consider cracking a joke in your class.
При всем уважении, я не думаю, что это было мудрым решением выгнать мальчика из класса. Это ведь была даже не его вина! Очевидно, что другой паренек нарушал тишину своими шутками, только для того, чтобы девочки могли восхититься его остроумием.
Я бы заставил его выйти к доске и повторить все шутки вслух. По-моему это честно, в этом случае все ученики могли бы от души посмеяться. К тому же мальчик, наверняка, стал бы местной звездой! Или нет. Или бы он просто был до такой степени смущен, что никогда бы больше даже не думал шутить на ваших уроках.
Подойдёт? Только перевода нету, если что пиши в лс
Hi, everyone! My name is Olga, and I’m graduating from school this year. As for many teenagers, the choice of future career is a real challenge for me. There are so many jobs, so it’s rather difficult to make the right decision. Furthermore, I’m firmly convinced that the choice of future career is essential, and I don’t want to regret it for the rest of my life.
So I have been thinking about it for a long time. I have discussed it many times with my parents and closest friends, but I’m still a bit confused.
Firstly, I had a wish to do something I am keen on. I suppose turning your hobby into your future job is a great way one can become a successfulspecialist. I think I’m not bad at writing stories. I absolutely adore it! I can spend evenings thinking about the characters and the plot of my stories. I’m also fond of making illustrations to them. In addition, all the process of story making is very enjoyable to me. That’s why I firmly believe that working as a writer is the best variant for me.
He watches TV at home.
He goes to bed at nine o'clock