A true friend can be found. probably, only at "live communication". This is a person who will support you in any situation, will always stand by your side, a person who is Frank with you. a man close to you in spirit.
In Internet friends can be only conditional, camping on E. man a close you on type thinking, which pleased to read or pleased to accept from him any words in its worded. Real "virtual" friends, probably-a rarity.
на русском:Настоящего друга можно обрести. наверное, только при "живом общении". Это человек, который будет поддерживать тебя в любой ситуации, всегда будет стоять на твоей стороне, человек который откровенен с тобой. человек близкий тебе по духу.
В интернете друзья могут быть только условными, т.е. человек близкий тебе по типу мышления, которого приятно читать или приятно принимать от него какие-то слова в свой адрес. Настоящие "виртуальные" друзья, наверное - большая редкость.
I am a student. In two years I will become a teacher of biology. I have to read a lot of books on biology. But I also read books on art, science and history. My parents are fond of reading. We have over 300 books of our favourite authors at home. Among them are plays by Shakespeare, historical novels by Walter Scott, detective stories by Conan Doyle and many others. When I have free time I read my favourite book by Hemingway «For Whom the Bell Tolls». Hemingway often describes in his books the events of the World War I and World War II, in which he took part. He was born in Chicago in 1899 and died in his house in Idaho in 1961. His books depicted the tragedy of war. The unique style of Hemingway, his realistic manner of writing brought him great success and the Nobel Prize in Literature. The main characters of my favourite book often find themselves in a difficult situation. The war influenced their lives greatly and made them stronger. They have to face death almost every minute and overcome their fear. But they do not lose the ability to love and share their feelings. Even in the last minute in his life, one of the principal characters supports his beloved and wishes her to become happy after his death This book changed a lot in my views. Now I think that the most important thing in lite is to find a person who can understand and support you in any situation, and whom you may take care of. Словарь "For Whom the Bell Tolls" — «По ком звонит колокол? » to depict — изображать unique — уникальный to influence — влиять to overcome — преодолевать
Мy bedroom is very beautiful.It has one soft bed where I sleep.I have some book - shelves in my room.It has one writing table whele I write my school homework.Here I have one computer and TV set.I like read books from my book - shelves.Unfortunately I have not got my books of English writers.In rainy days I like look out from my window.Rarely I see TV .Because I am very busy with my homework.On the window I have white curtains.When I come from the school I hurry to go in my dear bedroom to change my clothes in wardrobe.Actually I like my room very much.
на английском:
A true friend can be found. probably, only at "live communication". This is a person who will support you in any situation, will always stand by your side, a person who is Frank with you. a man close to you in spirit.
In Internet friends can be only conditional, camping on E. man a close you on type thinking, which pleased to read or pleased to accept from him any words in its worded. Real "virtual" friends, probably-a rarity.
на русском:Настоящего друга можно обрести. наверное, только при "живом общении". Это человек, который будет поддерживать тебя в любой ситуации, всегда будет стоять на твоей стороне, человек который откровенен с тобой. человек близкий тебе по духу.
В интернете друзья могут быть только условными, т.е. человек близкий тебе по типу мышления, которого приятно читать или приятно принимать от него какие-то слова в свой адрес. Настоящие "виртуальные" друзья, наверное - большая редкость.