Write five questions about keeping in contact. write the questions in your notebooks.when you have finished, interview other students. write down their answers.
In connection with the article in your newspater I write to you.
I`d like to express my dissatisfaction about exhibition.
It is with great sadness that I inform you about it isn`t corresponds to the standards of all the norms and the entrance is very expensive.Please, think about lowering prices for a tickets.It will be wonderfull! And I strongly recommend to take care about sanitary and safety norms.
The following pages will give you an idea of the decision of many problems of your editorial Board.
I hope you will be able to assist me in this matter.
1) london city, also known as the square mile, is the original and historic place in london. 2) westminster palace - building on the thames in the london borough of westminster, where the meeting of the british parliament. it connects to trafalgar square, whitehall. 3) the biggest and richest museum in the world - the museo de oro in colombia's capital city bogota. 4) the madame tussauds wax figures can be seen.5) graveyard of ships - in the sea, where ships leave the body to break down, left in storage or disposed of. also under the cemetery of ships realize dry docks, in which the court disposed of containing hazardous substances in connection with possible environmental consequences.
Editorial staff of the Morpet newspaper
ul.Orlovskaya 14-13
8 May 2013
Dear Sir,
In connection with the article in your newspater I write to you.
I`d like to express my dissatisfaction about exhibition.
It is with great sadness that I inform you about it isn`t corresponds to the standards of all the norms and the entrance is very expensive.Please, think about lowering prices for a tickets.It will be wonderfull! And I strongly recommend to take care about sanitary and safety norms.
The following pages will give you an idea of the decision of many problems of your editorial Board.
I hope you will be able to assist me in this matter.
With thanks,
Yulia Kozar.