Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53
Task 3. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What was the first name for the internet?
2. Who used the internet in the early days?
3. What did Ray Tomlinson do?
4. Why did Tim Berens-Lee use the symbol 'ch' in his website address?
5. Why did universities create search engines?
текст не могу прикрепить. учебник English plus Kazakh grade 6 students book ,страница 53 ✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔✋⛔
Гемоли́мфа — жидкость, циркулирующая в сосудах и межклеточных полостях многих беспозвоночных животных с незамкнутой системой кровообращения. Выполняет те же функции, что кровь и лимфа у животных с замкнутой системой кровообращения. Гемолимфа состоит из воды, неорганических солей и органических соединений.
Капилля́р является самым тонким сосудом в организме человека и других животных. Средний диаметр капилляра составляет 5—10 мкм. Соединяя артерии и вены, он участвует в обмене веществ между кровью и тканями.
Ве́на — кровеносный сосуд, по которому кровь движется к сердцу. Вены получают кровь из посткапиллярных венул. Вены объединяются в венозную систему, часть сердечно-сосудистой системы. Сосуды, по которым кровь течёт от сердца, называются артериями.
Ромашка она расцветает рано утром и зацветает вечером