it was july 16, 2008 and i was at city hall to do something thatwould change my life forever. i went to room 302 and got my workingcard. i thought i was independent and ready to get a job.
first i filled in applications. i put in over 100 applications at restau-rants, clothing stores, and hotels. i kept looking for a job, and i decidedto go to the mall. i was interested in getting a place in one restaurantbecause my good school friend worked there, and he told me they neededpeople. i thought it might turn out to be successful.
one day, when i came home and turned on the answering machine,there was a message on it. it was a job! a lady from a supermarket calledme for an interview on tuesday. i was very excited. this was my first interview. on sunday i got up early, my mom and i went shopping fora dress. i put on this dress on tuesday. the lady asked me a lot of questi-ons, but i thought over the answers the day before.
i didn’t get the job, but i found out that you can’t get a job’s very hard work.
it was july 16, 2008 and i was at city hall to do something that would change my life forever. i went to room 302 and got my workingcard. i thought i was independent and ready to get a job.
first i filled in applications. i put in over 100 applications at restau-rants, clothing stores, and hotels. i kept looking for a job, and i decidedto go to the mall. i was interested in getting a place in one restaurantbecause my good school friend worked there, and he told me they neededpeople. i thought it might turn out to be successful.
one day, when i came home and turned on the answering machine,there was a message on it. it was a job! a lady from a supermarket calledme for an interview on tuesday. i was very excited. this was my first interview. on sunday i got up early, my mom and i went shopping fora dress. i put on this dress on tuesday. the lady asked me a lot of questi-ons, but i thought over the answers the day before.
i didn’t get the job, but i found out that you can’t get a job’s very hard work.
• Pandas are some of the rarest animals in the world. They live only in a small area in the mountains of south-western China. — Панды являются одними из самых редких животных в мире. Они живут только в небольшом районе в горах на юго-западе Китая.
• There are only 500 — 1,000 pandas surviving in the wild, and the number is decreasing all the time. There are about 100 more in zoos and research stations. – Существует только 500 — 1000 панд выживающих в дикой природе, и это все время число уменьшается. Еще около 100 панд живут в зоопарках и исследовательских станциях.
• Although they are protected, pandas are still poached for their skins. Because they are so rare, their skins are very valuable. — Несмотря на то, что они защищены, на панд все еще охотятся браконьеры из-за их шкуры. Из-за того, что они настолько редки, их кожа очень ценная.
• Pandas live in mountain forests and can only eat bamboo. As their habitat is getting smaller and smaller, pandas are in danger of dying from lack of suitable food. Zoos are making efforts to breed pandas in captivity, but this is very difficult. — Панды живут в горных лесах и могут есть только бамбук. Поскольку их среда обитания становится все меньше и меньше, панды находятся под угрозой смерти от отсутствия подходящей пищи. Зоопарки прилагают усилия для разведения панд в неволе, но это очень сложно.
• Baby pandas weigh only 100 grams at birth, so they need to be looked after very carefully. Since 1963 about 50 baby pandas have been born in captivity, and around half of them are still alive today. – Детеныш панды весит всего 100 граммов при рождении, поэтому за ними надо ухаживают очень тщательно. С 1963 года около 50 детенышей панды родились в неволе, и около половины из них все еще живы и сегодня.
Fact File: TIGER
• There are six species of tigers in existence. They are found in Siberia, India and south-east Asia. A hundred years ago tigers were common throughout much of Asia, living in many different habitats from tropical forest to semi-desert. – Существует шесть видов тигров. Они находятся в Сибири, Индии и Юго-Восточной Азии. Сто лет назад тигры были широко распространены в большей части Азии, и жили в самых разных местах обитания от тропических лесов до полупустынь.
• Because people thought they were dangerous, tigers were hunted and trapped. Besides, tiger skins were considered very valuable. – Из-за того, что люди думали, что они опасны, на тигров охотились и ставили капканы. Кроме того, шкуры тигра считались очень ценными.
• By 1970 there were fewer than 50,000 tigers left, and many of their habitats were destroyed. — К 1970 году насчитывалось менее 50.000 тигров, и многое из их среды обитания было разрушено.
• In 1973 “Protect Tiger” operation was launched by the Indian government: tigers were protected by law, and reserves were created to protect the species. — В 1973 году правительством Индии была начата операция «Защити Тигра»: тигры были защищены законом, и были созданы заповедники для защиты видов.
• Gradually numbers began to increase, and there are now some 8,000 tigers living in the wild. — Постепенно количество стало увеличиваться, и в настоящее время существует около 8000 тигров, живущих в дикой природе.