ex. 1
fill in the gaps with (a) few or (a) little.
1. a: what did you do during your flight?
b: i read few magazines and i slept for an hour.
2. a: is there any cake left?
b: there's very little left.
3. a: do you speak spanish?
b: no, i know very few words in spanish.
4. a: when are you coming back?
b: soon. i'm only going away for few days.
5. a: i think this soup needs more flavour.
b: ok. i will add little more salt.
6. a: we must hurry.
b: that's true. we have very little time.
7. a: poor him! he looks lonely.
b: he's ver shy and has very few friends.
ex. 2
complete the text with a lot of, much or many.
courchevel is one france's most famous ski destinations. 1. a lot of rich and famous people spend their holidays there every year. in fact, there aren't 2. many ski resorts as nice as courchevel! it has 3. a lot of great restaurants, beatiful hotels and expensive shops. but don't worry if you don; t have 4. much money. there are 5. many cheap places to stay and eat for people who are on a budget. and the skiing is fantastic. ti's perfect for both beginner and expert skiers, because there sre 6. a lot of ski paths to choose from. everyone loves courchevel.
why not come and see why!
witaj na ! zyskaj nielimitowany dostęp do naszej bazy wiedzy dzięki plus
zobacz więcej na .pl -
1. 6
2. 3
3. 6
4. против
6. хоть до конца счета пока не упадет мяч
7. нет
8. под сеткой
9. считается
10. очко присуждается команде противника
11. одной рукой
12. мяч перелетает над сеткой но преземляется за линиями
13. вместо отбивания мяча игроки его ловят в пионерболе,
14. вот тут незнаю
15. 15
16. если мяч попал в сетку то все уже очко другой команде бессмысленно
17. в пионерболе 3
я ответила но вопросы вроде должно быть правильно но не 100% про волейбол все правильно я волейболистка ну должно быть про пионербол вроде
Host: Unfortunately, many of us know very little about our ancestors. But some people prove how much we can learn if we are really interested in family history.
Frances: That's true. You know. I knew almost nothing even about my great grandparents.
I was lucky because I found a lot of information in our local archive and from talking to some of our distant relatives.
John: Yes, I feel reading a thrilling historical novel! It gives you a feeling you are a part of it. I was really surprised how much one can learn from old newspapers and archives.
Host: This is all really fascinating, but many people can't spend the time in archives, and libraries may not have the necessary information. What would you advise them to do?
Gary: When I started my research I realised how much I can learn at home, just looking through old photos and some old things that are around in every family home, and, of course, the internet — a lot of curious facts can be found there: archive references and articles from newspapers.
Frances: Yes, you are right, but it's a bit like we should talk more with our relatives — our grandparents. They do have a lot to tell us! It gives you a sense of belonging to a family and helps you understand yourself better. That's exactly what has happened to me!