Какие правила гигиены надо соблюдать, когда кто-то в семье простудился? Почему, если ученик простужен, ему нельзя гулять, ходить в школу, смотреть телевизор?
Больного желательно поместить в отдельную комнату. Ему надо соблюдать постельный режим следует пить больше теплой жидкости.
Нужно чаще проводить влажную уборку. При общении с больным одевать маску.
При простуде организм ослаблен. Громкий звук, яркое изображение на экране телевизора в этот период особенно вредны слуху и зрению. Организм становится беззащитным перед опасными микрогами. Простуда может дать осложнение, вызвать другое заболевание- Вот почему нельзя гулять во время болезни.
Great Britain
1 December
Dear Kate,
Thany you for your letter. It was nice to learn about your school and your classmates. As for my school, it's a big secondary school.
Last year my family moved to London because of my father's job. I wasn't very happy about going to a new school. However, very soon I made new friends and liked the school.
My favourite subjects are Maths, IT and PE. Our school has very good sports facilities: a gym, six tennis courts and a large games field. Phillip, my best friend, often plays football there. But I prefer bascketball or volleyball.
When classes are over, we are bosy too. The teachers encourage the students to take part in various clubs. I have joined the photography and chess clubs recently. Next term, our school theatre group will put on "Tom Sowyer".
We have various school events every month. A week ago we had a Sports Day. Unfortunatelly, Philip and I did not take part in the competitions. We were ill.
What school events do you have? What are your favourite subjects?
Write back soon.
Best wishes,
Great Britain
1 December
Dear Kate,
Thany you for your letter. It was nice to learn about your school and your classmates. As for my school, it's a big secondary school.
Last year my family moved to London because of my father's job. I wasn't very happy about going to a new school. However, very soon I made new friends and liked the school.
My favourite subjects are Maths, IT and PE. Our school has very good sports facilities: a gym, six tennis courts and a large games field. Phillip, my best friend, often plays football there. But I prefer bascketball or volleyball.
When classes are over, we are bosy too. The teachers encourage the students to take part in various clubs. I have joined the photography and chess clubs recently. Next term, our school theatre group will put on "Tom Sowyer".
We have various school events every month. A week ago we had a Sports Day. Unfortunatelly, Philip and I did not take part in the competitions. We were ill.
What school events do you have? What are your favourite subjects?
Write back soon.
Best wishes,
Нужно чаще проводить влажную уборку. При общении с больным одевать маску.
При простуде организм ослаблен. Громкий звук, яркое изображение на экране телевизора в этот период особенно вредны слуху и зрению. Организм становится беззащитным перед опасными микрогами. Простуда может дать осложнение, вызвать другое заболевание- Вот почему нельзя гулять во время болезни.