ответ:Жостовская роспись
В искусстве жостовских мастеров реалистическое ощущение живой формы цветов и плодов сочетается с декоративной обобщённостью, родственной русской народной кистевой росписи на сундуках, берестяных туесах, прялках и т. п. Основной мотив росписи — цветочный букет простой композиции, в котором чередуются крупные садовые и мелкие полевые цветы. Роспись производится обычно по чёрному фону (иногда по красному, синему, зелёному, серебряному), причём мастер работает сразу над несколькими подносами.
In the 19th century, football in England gained a popularity comparable to cricket [15]. It was played mainly in colleges [16]. In some colleges, the rules allowed dribbling and passing the ball by hand, in others it, on the contrary, was prohibited. [17] The first attempt to create uniform rules was made in 1846, when representatives of several colleges met. They established the first set of rules [18]. The first specialized football club was founded in 1857
Sheffield [19]. In 1863, after lengthy negotiations, a set of rules for the Football Association of England was adopted. The sizes of the field and the goal were also adopted [20]. And in 1871, the FA Cup was founded - the oldest football tournament in the world [21]. In 1891, the penalty rule was adopted. But at first, the penalty was fired not from the point, but from the line, which, like now, was at a distance of 11 meters from the goal [22]. According to the Rules, the mandatory elements of equipment are: a shirt (or T-shirt) with sleeves, shorts, leggings, shin guards and boots