Are there a lot of trees and buildings in my street? Where are there a lot of trees and buildings? There are a lot of trees and buildings in my street, aren't there? Are there a lot of trees and buildings in my street or in the park?
В растениеводстве преобладает тропическое земледелие. Животноводство развито на очень немногих островах, поскольку для него недостаточно места. Но рыбный промысел, добыча морепродуктов — основа занятий для многих жителей островов. Серьёзная обрабатывающая промышленность на островах отсутствует, хотя на некоторых из них добываются фосфориты, руды цветных металлов, каменный уголь. В Австралии добывают большое количество полезных ископаемых (алмазы, железные руды, золото, уголь, уран, бокситы, никель, медные руды), развита мощная обрабатывающая промышленность (металлургия, машиностроение, химическая). Специализацией сельского хозяйства является овцеводство, а также выращивание зерновых культур.
Toys and playing are an essential part of the growing-up 1) process for children. They are extremely important in helping children 2) develop into healthy adults - both physically and mentally. Not only do they help children develop their creative talents but their imagination as well. For as long as there have been humans on earth, there have also been toys. Indeed, the toys that ancient Greek and Roman children played with many years ago show a distinct 3) resemblance to toys that our children play with today. Throughout history children have been playing with dolls, puppets and building blocks. Playing goes side-by-side with 4) learning for the developing child. Games allow parents to detect their off-spring's special talents, or even any learning problems that they might have. The more fashionable educational methods today include games in the classroom, as they are a particularly 5) stimulating way of helping children to leam. Playing is a vital part of the learning process and should never be dismissed by parents as a waste of time.
Where are there a lot of trees and buildings?
There are a lot of trees and buildings in my street, aren't there?
Are there a lot of trees and buildings in my street or in the park?