《Сельское хозяйство》
18 % работающих занято в сельском хозяйстве. 5 % земель используется под посевы, 38 % — под выпас скота.
《Горнодобывающая деятельность》
Колумбия располагает крупными запасами полезных ископаемых, сосредоточенных преимущественно в горных районах Анд. В стране добывают золото, серебро, платину, изумруды (90 % мировой добычи) , каменный уголь (12,5 млн тонн/год) , нефть (19 млн тонн/год) , природный газ.
Последние 20 лет стремительными темпами развиваются машиностроительная, перерабатывающая, обувная, химическая и текстильная отрасли. Главные промышленные центры — Богота, Медельин и Кали.
1. What is linguistic reconstruction?
Linguistic reconstruction is the practice of establishing the features of an unattested ancestor language of one or more given languages. There are two kinds of reconstruction: Internal reconstruction uses irregularities in a single language to make inferences about an earlier stage of that language – that is, it is based on evidence from that language alone. Comparative reconstruction, usually referred to just as reconstruction, establishes features of the ancestor of two or more related languages, belonging to the same language family, by means of the comparative method. A language reconstructed in this way is often referred to as a proto-language (the common ancestor of all the languages in a given family); examples include Proto-Indo-European,Proto-Dravidian,etc.
Texts discussing linguistic reconstruction commonly preface reconstructed forms with an asterisk (*) to distinguish them from attested forms. An attested word from which a root in the proto-language is reconstructed is a reflex. More generally, a reflex is the known derivative of an earlier form, which may be either attested or reconstructed. Reflexes of the same source are cognates.
2. Using reconstruction technique makes an analysis of words expressing kinship in English, German, French, Icelandic, Dutch, Swedish. Describe the results of your research and arrange them in a table.